www.zfenglish.com - Last update 04:55
Average Net Wage Inched Up 0.3% In April, To RON1,498
Average net wages in Romania inched up 0.3% on the month to 1,498 lei (EUR362) in April, boosted mainly by Easter and other seasonal bonuses, the statistics institute INS said Monday.
Gross average salary edged up 0.5% to RON2,066 in April, the statistics data showed.
The most significant growths compared with March were in the telecom and energy sectors, where monthly net average wages rose 16% and 13%, respectively.
On the other hand, employees in the tobacco and financial sectors gained by 29.8% and 14% less on the month in April.
Compared with April 2010, average net wages in Romania increased 4.3% in nominal terms, the data showed. (EUR1=RON4.1298)