www.zfenglish.com - Last update 01:01
OMV Petrom Reclaims Top Spot Among 100 Most Valuable Companies In Romania
OMV Petrom returned to the top spot among the 100 most valuable companies in Romania in 2018, with a value of EUR4.7 billion, 35% higher than at the previous edition.
2018 rank 2017 rank Company Sector 2018 value (bn euros) 2018 value (bn lei) 2017 value (bn lei) 2018 vs. 2017 (%) 1 2 OMV Petrom SA Oil and gas 4.726 22.035 16.370 35% 2 1 Hidroelectrica SA Energy 3.855 17.973 16.454 9% 3 3 Romgaz SA Oil and gas 2.852 13.297 11.852 12% 4 NEW UiPath Group IT&C 2.550 11.890 N/A N/A 5 6 Banca Transilvania SA Banks 2.421 11.285 9.638 17% 6 5 Banca Comerciala Romana SA Banks 2.241 10.448 9.738 7% 7 4 Automobile Dacia SA Auto 2.198 10.245 9.917 3% 8 8 BRD Groupe Societe Generale SA Banks 1.988 9.269 8.669 7% 9 10 Dedeman SRL Retail 1.923 8.964 8.091 11% 10 7 Orange Romania SA Telecom 1.874 8.737 8.825 -1% Source: The `Top 100 cele mai valoroase companii din Romania” (100 most valuable companies in Romania) compiled in partnership with boutique investment bank BT Capital Partners. The bank valuation was done by Veridio.
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