Weekly Risk Export Outlook, April 30

05.01.2014 ZF English

Credit conditions for loans to small and medium sized enterprises in the euro-zone remained tight in the first quarter, according to a survey of the European Central Bank, writes Euler Hermes in this week's Export Risk Outlook report.

The ECB’s Bank Lending Survey also revealed that credit conditions for large companies eased, while the corporations increased their demand for loans for the first time since the second quarter of 2011.

On the other hand, the UK’s gross domestic product grew more than expected in the first quarter (+0.8% compared with the previous quarter, helped by good output in the services sector. Economic growth has picked up in Spain as well, with the first-quarter GDP rising 0.4% q/q after a 0.2% growth in the previous quarter, noted Euler Hermes in its report.

Find the rest of the report here:

euler hermes
, export
, outlook