Articles 101 - 113 of 113 by " Alex Ciutacu"

- Jurnalist ZF din iulie 2017
- Colaborator Business Magazin din 2018
- Moderator al emisiunii ZF Investiţi în România
Alex a acoperit o gamă largă de domenii, de la bănci, burse, internaţional şi hi-tech (unde a avut o înclinare pentru blockchain, startup-uri, A.I. şi alte tehnologii emergente), până la companii, industrie alimentară, eveniment, agricultură, HR, energie sau auto, încercând să înveţe constant de la colegi sau de la specialişti din piaţă.
Născut în 1996, a terminat Liceul Teoretic „Nicolae Iorga” din Brăila, pe o specializare de filologie bilingv engleză şi a urmat cursurile Facultăţii de Jurnalism din cadrul Universităţii Bucureşti.
Business Sector Wants Stability, Doesn’t Expect Tax Raises Because of Election Year
7 nov 2019
The business sector expects a quiet time in terms of taxation changes considering 2020, too, is an election year. Even though the budget is strained and the current account deficit is rising fast, more
Telecoms: Ready to Invest In 5G Networks, Need Clear Strategy from Authorities First
15 oct 2019
Orange, Telekom Vodafone/UPC and RCS&RDS/Digi, the largest actors on the Romanian telecom market are ready to invest in building 5G national networks to contribute to the digitalization of the more
Bankers Are Optimistic, Business Is Growing, Interests and Inflation Drop, Leu Is Stable
4 iul 2019
The turmoil on the local banking market has lessened, and bankers are optimistic about its future trend and expect growth in business, lower interests and inflation and a stability of the leu against more
ZF Bankers Summit’19: What the Bank of The Future Will Look Like in Romania
3 iul 2019
The bank of the future will probably be a mix of traditional and digital, the face-to-face interaction of bankers with customers will go hand in hand with artificial intelligence. Competition with more
ZF Cybersecurity Trends 2019: No Company Is 100% Safe from Cyberattacks
22 mai 2019
Every company, the small and medium-sized ones included, is now targeted by cyberattacks and the risks involved have become so great – from data loss to disruption of operations, that management more
ZF Retail 2019: Romania Is a Retail Paradise. Consumers Like Shopping
10 mai 2019
Romania is a paradise for retail sector players, as local consumers have a greater appetite for shopping than Czech or Polish ones, for instance, despite earning half as much as the others do. more
ZF Mobilio ’19: Costs of National 5G Infrastructure Could Reach EUR1B per Operator
24 apr 2019
The costs of building 5G mobile communications networks with a similar coverage and quality as the current 4G infrastructure, of more than 90% of the population, could amount to EUR1 billion per more
ZF Top Tranzactii 2019 Conference: Investors Are Looking for Technology and Consumer Goods
28 mar 2019
Romania’s mergers and acquisitions market continues to attract investor attention after a 2018 that saw the highest deal volume in a decade. The busiest sector will be the technology sector, more
ZF HR Trends: Flexible Hours Needed to Boost Employee Productivity
26 mar 2019
Employers must provide flexible working hours to improve employee productivity and to keep people working from them, ZF HR Trends conference guests said. more
H&M Profit Up, Headcount Down In Romania In 2017
4 mai 2018
H&M, the leader of the fashion retail market in Romania, posted 27.7 million lei (EUR5.94 million) net profit in 2017, 96.4% higher than the RON14.1 million in 2016, according to Finance Ministry more
Iasi Has More Than 20,000 IT Employees And Turns Out 2,500 IT Graduates A Year
16 apr 2018
Iasi has become one of the biggest hi-tech industry centers in Romania along with Bucharest, Cluj and Timisoara, with its 20,000 employees in the IT industry, in addition to more than 2,500 graduates more
Bucharest Public Transport Company, One Of Most Inefficient State-Run Organizations In Romania
25 aug 2017
Bucharest has the worst public transportation system of all European capitals, even though its budget is EUR2 billion a year. more
Romanian Team Developed Software For World’s First Fully Automated Store
12 iul 2017
The Romanian education system turns out good engineers, who are among the best when it comes to algorithmics and can effortlessly develop IT platforms for some of the most competitive markets in the more