Articles 976 - 1000 of 2116 by " Cristina Roşca"

Sunt economist de formaţie, dar jurnalist de vocaţie. Sau cel puţin aşa îmi place mie să cred. Am ajuns la Ziarul Financiar acum mai bine de un deceniu, din întâmplare, şi nu am mai plecat.
Absolvisem Facultatea de Relaţii Internaţionale din cadrul ASE, mă înscrisesem la masterul de Geopolitică şi Diplomaţie. Visam să schimb lumea dintr-o poziţie de consul sau poate chiar ambasador. Aveam vise mari recunosc. Am ajuns între timp să cred că poţi schimba lumea şi din alte poziţii, cum e cea de jurnalist.
Interviurile pot mişca pieţe, rezultatele financiare pot trage după ele competiţia, iar reportajele - în special cele de călătorie, dar nu numai - îi pot face pe oameni să viseze. Sau cel puţin aşa îmi place mie să cred.
Îmi place să povestesc despre călătorii, gastronomie şi arta de a trăi frumos pentru suplimentul de lifestyle al Ziarului Financiar – După Afaceri Premium unde sunt editor-şef.
Dar scriu cu acelaşi spor (şi drag) despre retail – alimentar, de modă, de electroIT -, despre fuziuni şi achiziţii şi piaţa HoReCa la Ziarul Financiar.
Vorbesc cu antreprenori şi executivi de top despre planurile lor pentru România, despre perpectivele economiei şi ale consumului privat. Analizez cifre şi bugete pe care le pun apoi în cuvinte. „Investighez” despre ce tranzacţii se pun la cale în piaţa din România şi apoi încerc să aflu ce impact ar putea avea asupra pieţei locale.
Am venit la ZF (cum îl ştiu cunoscuţii şi prietenii) în august 2008, în ajun de criză financiară. Am trăit-o din plin, la fel cum m-am bucurat de anii de creştere care au urmat.
După zece ani la Ziarul Financiar îmi place să cred că am învăţat mai multă economie decât la facultate. Dar cum economia se schimbă în permanenţă, mai am ceva de învăţat.
Czech Investment Group In Talks To Buy A&D Pharma
12 oct 2017
Czech Republic-based investment group Penta Investments has started talks for the acquisition of the largest pharmaceutical group in Romania, A&D Pharma, market sources say. more
Penny Market Expects Sales Growth To More Than RON3B in 2017
11 oct 2017
Discount store chain Penny Market will see more than 3 billion lei (EUR656 million) sales in 2017, up about 8% on 2016. more
Trade And Processing Industry Companies Generate More Than 60% Of Revenue All Companies In Romania’s Economy
10 oct 2017
Ten sectors of Romania’s economy generate 93% of the revenue of all the local companies, which stood at 1,300 billion lei (EUR284 million). Trade accounts for more than one third of the total more
Kaercher To Open New Plant In Curtea De Arges
28 sep 2017
German-held Kaercher group, which started making vacuum cleaners in its own facility in Curtea de Arges (southern Romania) a year ago, has bought a building in the same city to develop a new more
Hypermarkets Try To Grab As Big A Slice Of Fashion Retail As Possible
27 sep 2017
Hypermarket and discount store chains are trying to grab as big a slice of the local fashion market valued at 16 billion lei (EUR3.47 billion) as possible so they are launching designer collections or more
Adrian Viman Considering Return To Romania At The Helm Of Discount Retail Chain Aldi
26 sep 2017
Adrian Viman, one of the most discreet and powerful local executives is negotiating his return to Romania to prepare for the entry of discount store chain Aldi, market sources say. Viman could not be more
Six Firms Call The Shots On Romania’s Private Equity Market
25 sep 2017
Private equity firms are paying more and more attention to the deals in Romania, going for industries they have experience in and for new sectors seeing growth. They spend EUR400 million to EUR700 more
Paraschiv, Paco Supermarket: We Opened Three Supermarkets Last Year, Was Difficult
20 sep 2017
Paco Supermarket store chain of entrepreneur Feliciu Paraschiv opened three supermarkets last year for a total of ten in Vrancea County (eastern Romania). The businessman says he has no expansion more
Dalli Timisoara Detergent Plant Sees RON352M Revenue In 2016
13 sep 2017
Dalli Production Romania, which operates a detergent plant in Timisoara, Romania, posted 352 million lei (EUR77 million) revenue and had 200 employees in 2016, its first full year in business. It also more
Private Label Share Of FMCG Market Down For First Time In A Decade
31 aug 2017
The share of private labels in the fast-moving consumer goods market reached 15.3% at the end of the first quarter, down 0.3% on the year-ago period. more
Ice Cream Producer Top Gel Courted By Several Investors
30 aug 2017
Entrepreneur Petre Popa, who established ice cream producer Top Gel in Craiova two decades ago, is in talks with several strategic and financial investors over selling it. more
Local Retail Chains Potential Targets For International `Sharks’
29 aug 2017
Local retail chains are potential targets for the modern retail ‘sharks’ such as Profi, Mega Image and Carrefour. The international supermarket and hypermarket chains are thus trying to expand more
Romania Assembled About 900,000 Bicycles In 2016
28 aug 2017
Romania assembled about 900,000 bicycles last year, about as many as in 2015, but twice as many as in 2008-2009, which puts the country on the sixth place among bicycle manufacturers in the EU. more
One Third Of Romania’s Winegrowers Are In Vrancea County
25 aug 2017
More than 1,300 companies grow grapes and make wine in Romania and about one third of them are registered in Vrancea County (eastern Romania). more
Profi And Mega Image Looking At Unicarm’s 100 Stores
24 aug 2017
International retailers, among which Profi and Mega Image, are considering buying Unicarm store chain, market sources say. more
Top 25 Law Firms In Romania Employ More Than 1,100 Lawyers
24 aug 2017
The most powerful 25 law firms in Romania employ more than 1,100 lawyers, that is about 10% of all the Bucharest Bar Association members, according to ZF estimates. more
BayWa Leaves Romanian Grain Trading Market After Growing Business To EUR100M
23 aug 2017
BayWa, the largest agricultural cooperative in Germany, is restructuring its grain trading business in Romania, after only two years, during which it saw record growth to EUR100 million. more
Six Expats And Four Romanians Run A RON50B Market In Romania
22 aug 2017
Ten Romanian and foreign executives run the local modern grocery retailers, which make an about 50 billion lei (almost EUR11 billion) market and have more than 75,000 employees. more
LC Waikiki Sales Up To Almost RON200M In 2016
22 aug 2017
Turkish-held fashion retailer LC Waikiki saw an increase in revenue by almost 50% to almost 200 million lei (EUR44 million) last year. more
Romania’s Footwear Exports Down To Decade Low
21 aug 2017
There are about 1,000 companies that make footwear in Romanian, which employ 50,000 people, reveals the World Footwear yearbook. Romania is one of the most important European manufacturers and more
Elbit Puts Radisson Blu Hotel In Bucharest Up For Sale
21 aug 2017
Israeli-held Elbit group has notified the NASDAQ market about the signing of an agreement to sell the Radisson Blu hotel in Bucharest. more
How The Computer And Electronics Market Changed In A Decade
18 aug 2017
The computer and electronics market has gone through significant changes in the past decade, which reconfigured not only the ranking of the largest actors but also its basic structure. more
Restaurant Chain Sbarro To Enter Romania This Fall
17 aug 2017
The local restaurant market will see a new arrival this year, US-held pizza and Italian cuisine restaurant chain Sbarro, which has more than 800 restaurants in 30 countries. This is the second big more
Carrefour Wants Tex Apparel Made In Romanian Plants
17 aug 2017
French-held Carrefour, the second largest local modern retailer in Romania, plans to work with Romanian plants and local designers to develop collections under its Tex brand. Its private label apparel more
Businessman Ovidiu Buluc Close To Signing Deal To Sell Farmexim Group To Germany’s Phoenix
14 aug 2017
Businessman Ovidiu Buluc is about to reach an agreement with German-held pharmaceutical giant Phoenix to sell his pharmaceutical wholesale and retail group Farmexim in an over EUR100 million deal, more