Articles 51 - 75 of 271 by " Florentina Niţu"
Florentina este mereu în căutarea unei poveşti noi, a unei idei geniale de business, a unui start-up proaspăt. În fiecare zi vânează idei geniale, în spatele cărora se află oameni cu experienţe diverse, care au avut curajul să devină proprii lor angajaţi. Îinvaţă constant ceva nou şi creşte odată cu micii antreprenori despre care scrie.
Încă din şcoala primară, Florentinei i-a plăcut să scrie poveşti. Pe atunci, şi le imagina, însă acum ele sunt reale. Poveştile unor afaceri ale căror baze tocmai au fost puse sau ale agricultorilor care au investit în pământurile ţării, iar acum culeg roadele.
Curiozitatea e cuvântul care o reprezintă cel mai bine, jurnalismul fiind modul în care a decis să-şi astâmpăre această sete, pentru a fi mereu conectată la informaţie. Dar, a vrut să mergă mai departe, pâna la materia primă şi la tehnologia care o transformă în produs finit, studiind astfel şi Inginerie economică industrială.
Florentina Niţu a studiat Jurnalism la Facultatea de Jurnalism şi Ştiinţele Comunicării, Universitatea din Bucureşti şi Inginerie Economică Industrială la Facultatea de Ingineria şi Managementul Sistemelor Tehnologice, din cadrul Politehnica Bucureşti. A făcut profilul Economic la Liceul Teoretic "Traian-Vuia" din Făget, judeţul Timiş.
Lucrează din august 2018 la Ziarul Financiar şi acoperă domeniile agrobusiness şi o parte din rubrica ”Un Start-Up pe zi”, dedicată companiilor aflate la început de drum.
Crama Ceptura Set to Invest RON4.5M to Retool Ceptura de Jos Winery
13 iun 2023
Crama Ceptura, a company part of Purcari Wineries, a major player in Moldova’s wine sector, aims to invest around RON4.5 million in 2023, more than twice than in 2022, to retool and modernize more
Cris-Tim Posts Over 15% Growth In Revenue To RON878M In 2022
12 iun 2023
Cris-Tim Holding, one of the largest meats producers in Romania, ended 2022 with RON878 million revenue, more than 15% higher than the RON754 million of 2021, the data the company supplied for ZF’s more
Premium Porc Aims to Invest EUR10M in 2023
8 iun 2023
DCH International, a Danish holding specialized in pork production, which controls Premium Porc Group in Romania, has a EUR10 million investment budget. more
Poultry Producer Safir Vaslui Set to Invest EUR9M in Photovoltaic Panels and Development in 2023
6 iun 2023
Poultry manufacturer Safir, controlled by Ghiorghi Safir, George Safir and Iulian Safir, has a EUR9 million investment budget for 2023, in line with company data. more
Cereale Colect Distribution Doubles Turnover in Two Years
31 mai 2023
Cereale Colect Distribution of Tulcea county, a business owned by Romanian entrepreneurs Tase and Dina Mergeani, generated turnover worth above RON850 million in 2022, almost double the 2020 level. more
Smithfield Romania 2022 Turnover Flat YOY
30 mai 2023
Smithfield Romania, owned by Chinese giant WH Group, ended 2022 with RON1.28 billion turnover, up less than 1% from 2021. more
JD Agro Cocora Aims to Expand Grain Area by 3,000 Ha in 3 Years
25 mai 2023
JD Agro Cocora, part of Romania Farm Invest A/S owned by Danish investors, is focusing on becoming a top grain grower in the coming years, with its expanding the cultivated area by as much as 20,000 more
Iustin Paraschiv Invests EUR250M in Integrated Business Model
22 mai 2023
Iustin Paraschiv, founder of Carmistin brand, a major player on the local meat market, is carrying out EUR250 million investments. more
Albatros Gold Opens Compost Plant In EUR2M Investment
11 mai 2023
Albatros Gold, a medium-sized egg producer in Romania, has opened a compost plant where it makes organic fertilizer, following a EUR2 million investment. The investment was made to improve cost more
Penny Sees Sales Up 33% To RON7.2B In 2022
10 mai 2023
Discount retailer Penny Romania, held by Germany’s Rewe Group, ended last year with RON7.2 billion sales, an increase of 33% on 2021. The growth is because of the expansion of the store chain, the more
Grain Trader Transylvania Invest Sees Turnover Almost Double in 2022
13 apr 2023
Grain trader Transylvania Invest, owned by Gorban family, ended 2022 with RON423.5 million turnover, up 75% on the year, in line with ZF calculations based on public data. more
Over 100,000 Foreigners Work in Romania
7 apr 2023
More than 100,000 foreigners work in Romania, with most of them coming from Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. more
Carmistin Group Taps into Eco Egg Market with La Provincia Brand
6 apr 2023
Carmistin group, a major Romanian food producer controlled by Paraschiv family, is set to enter the bio egg market with La Provincia brand, betting on Romanians’ rising demand for sustainable more
Carrefour Romania Boosts Number of Local Fresh Produce Suppliers by 10%
1 mar 2023
Vincent Arnault, merchandise & supply chain director at French-held retailer Carrefour Romania, says one of the achievements of 2022 was reaching the 10% growth target as regards the ongoing expansion more
COFCO International Sees Turnover Rise 35% To RON5.5B in 2021, Switches to Record Loss
16 feb 2023
Grain trader COFCO International (former Nidera) ended 2021 with RON5.53 billion turnover (around EUR1.1 billion), up 34.5% from the previous year. more
Agricover Group Appoints Bogdan Dimcea CEO of Agricover Distribution
13 feb 2023
Agricover Group, one of the leading players in agribusiness, has appointed Bogdan Dimcea, an executive with more than two decades of commercial and operational experience, CEO of Agricover more
Crazy Bubble Reaches 18 Units in Romania
3 feb 2023
Crazy Bubble, a business of Polish origins that owns 138 stores internationally, has reached 18 units in Romania, both owned and in franchise, and is set to focus on opening units in high-traffic more
Romanian Businessman Siminel Andrei Develops Two Bread and Bakery Factories in EUR10M Investment
3 feb 2023
Siminel Andrei, one of the most powerful businesspeople in Romania, has developed two bread and bakery factories in Craiova and Braila, involving total investment of EUR10 million. more
AAylex One Hits 2,500-Employee Threshold
23 ian 2023
AAylex One of Buzau, the company behind the poultry meat brand Cocorico, reached the 2,500-employee mark in 2022 and continues recruiting, in line with company information. more
Maxagro Group Set To Invest EUR10M in Fodder Plant and Irrigation
16 ian 2023
Maxagro group, owned by brothers Ianco and Ioji Zifceak, cultivating 10,000 hectares with grain conventionally in Timis county and 1,800 hectares in an ecological system, plans to invest EUR10 million more
Mexican Group Bimbo Takes Over Vel Pitar in Deal Put at EUR200M
16 ian 2023
Grupo Bimbo, a Mexican multinational, considered one of the biggest businesses in the global bakery production, has acquired Vel Pitar group, the leader of Romania’s bakery market, controlled by US more
Solarex Impex Builds Own Fertilizer Plant in Dolj County
11 ian 2023
Solarex Impex, a chemical fertilizer wholesaler, with over RON230 million turnover in 2021, is building a fertilizer plant in Preajba, Dolj county. more
Carmistin Group Starts Bio Egg Production, Continues Product Portfolio Diversification
9 ian 2023
Carmistin group, a major Romanian food producer, controlled by Paraschiv family, has started bio egg production and has accessed new funding worth EUR42 million to continue its investment strategy. more
Water Bottler Calipso Launches Coconut-Flavored Natural Juice Range
29 dec 2022
Calipso, the producer of spring water brands Miraqua and Codrii Vlasiei, owned by Siderache family, is entering retail with a coconut-flavored natural juice range. more
Cornel Stroescu Sells 20% in Hastro Sovarna to Bulgarian Landowner Svetoslav Ilchovski
16 dec 2022
Cornel Stroescu, the entrepreneur behind Hastro Sovarna, an integrated business with RON11.5 million (around EUR2.5 million) and 100 employees in 2021, operating in Garla Mare, Mehedinti county, sold more