Articles 551 - 573 of 573 by " Liviu Popescu"
Absolvent în 2015 al Academiei de Studii Economice din Bucureşti, Liviu Popescu lucrează la Ziarul Financiar din primăvara anului 2014, iar din mai 2016 este editor piaţa de capital.
În 2016 a participat la internship-ul organizat de agenţia de presă Thomson Reuters la Londra şi la Berlin, fiind unul dintre cei doi români selectaţi în acel an pentru acest program.
În 2019, Ziarul Financiar a câştigat votul publicului pentru cea mai bună acoperire media a pieţei de capital din România, în cadrul unui eveniment organizat de Bursa de Valori de la Bucureşti.
Liviu Popescu este pasionat de fotografie, în special <<wild photography>>, în portofoliul său fiind întâlnite fotografii de la pisici sălbatice din Câmpia Titu, la cele cu mamiferele din Islanda.
Romanians Spent RON560M Monthly Abroad By Card In 2014, An All-Time High
20 feb 2015
Owners of cards issued by local banks in 2014 operated payments at retailers abroad worth 6.7 billion lei (EUR1.5 billion), up one fifth against 2013, according with BNR data. more
Payments By Card Top RON30B In 2014
18 feb 2015
Owners of cards issued by local banks in 2014 operated payments at retailers worth 30 billion lei (EUR6.7 billion), up 16% from 2013, according with BNR. However, cash withdrawals from ATMs are still more
Foreigners Took Out EUR2.7B From Local Bank Deposits In 3 Years
17 feb 2015
Foreigners, largely banking groups, at the end of 2014 held around EUR5.8 billion in medium and long-term deposits opened with local banks, 32% below the record high reached in 2011. In 2014 alone, more
Sales Of Leu Mortgage Loans Tripled In 2014
29 ian 2015
The halving of the interest rates and the halt of the crisis impact on home prices are driving up residential property transactions, with statistics indicating a rise in sales of leu mortgage loans more
Banks In Romania Hoard Deposits, But Lending Nosedives
29 ian 2015
Banks in Romania had loans granted to individuals and companies worth around 212 billion lei (the equivalent of EUR47 billion) at the end of 2014, down RON7 billion against the end of 2013. The more
Foreign-Held Banks And Insurers Got RON2.4B Capital Injections In 2014
27 ian 2015
Banks, insurers and non-bank financial institutions held by foreign groups received capital injections of 2.4 billion lei (EUR536 million) in January-November 2014, according to Trade Registry data. more
Romanian Currency Acquires Strenght: Leu-Denominated Loans Climb To 40% Of All Retail Loans
23 ian 2015
The weight of leu-denominated loans has risen by 8% in the past two years, a period that saw a significant decline of leu interest rates and the withdrawal of foreign currency financing lines extended more
Breath Of Fresh Air For Romanian Economy: Bounced Payments Fell By 20% In 2014
22 ian 2015
Checks and promissory notes worth almost 8 billion lei (EUR1.8 billion) bounced in 2014, down 20% from 2013, according with BNR data. more
Foreigners Withdraw EUR750M From Local Bank Deposits In One Year
15 ian 2015
Foreign investors, largely banking groups, had medium and long-term deposits opened with local banks worth EUR5.77 billion at the end of November, the lowest level since the spring of 2009. Against more
Banks Getting Ready To Grant A Record 30,000 First Home Loans In 2015
14 ian 2015
Banks will be able to grant more than 30,000 loans via the First Home scheme in 2015 if the government allocates a 2.5 billion lei (EUR557 million) cap as announced at the beginning of the year. This more
Almost 60,000 Clients Became Late Payers In November; Bad Loans Go Back To RON11B
14 ian 2015
The number of individuals who were more than 30 days late in paying back loans contracted from banks and non-banking financial institutions climbed to 713,000 in late November 2014, meaning a leap of more
Romanian Currency Lost One Third Of Value In The Past 7 Years And Prices Leapt By 50%
9 ian 2015
The Romanian currency fell by 32% against the euro in the past seven years, while overall inflation stood at 46% during the same period, with companies that operate exports and that have propped the more
Cleanup Process Halts, But Banks Still Have EUR13B Worth Of Bad Loans On Their Hands
7 ian 2015
Banks in Romania slowed down balance sheet cleanup at the end of last year, with the weight of bad loans stagnating at 15.3% of the total loan volume in October, according to BNR data. Against the more
Romania’s Forex Market At Five-Year Low In 2014
6 ian 2015
The forex market in Bucharest ended last year with EUR363 billion traded volume, 6% lower than in 2013, due to the dwindling appetite of foreign investors for leu-denominated assets. The forex market more
Bounced Payments Hit Ron800M In November, Up 55% On The Year
23 dec 2014
Checks and promissory notes worth 807 million lei (EUR180 million) bounced last month, 55% above the level of the same period of last year, according to central bank data. The payments bounced as more
Foreigners Withdrew EUR2B From Local Bank Deposits In Two Years
17 dec 2014
Foreigners, largely banking groups, had medium and long-term deposits opened with local banks worth EUR5.8 billion in late October, 10% below the level of the year-earlier period. October alone saw more
Reason Behind Volksbank’s Departure: RON1.75B Loss In Four Years
12 dec 2014
The local subsidiary of Volksbank, which Banca Transilvania (TLV.RO) acquired this week, posted more than 1.75 billion lei (about EUR400 million) losses in the last four years due to sour loan more
On December 1, 2014, Ziarul Financiar Takes On A Target For The Country: The Complete Shift To Leu
1 dec 2014
Starting today, December 1, 2014, all ZF articles will indicate revenue, profit, deal or other financial figure values primarily in lei. more
Leu Lending Gains Momentum
27 nov 2014
RON-denominated consumer loans totaled 23.8 billion lei at the end of October, up almost 3%, and RON600 million respectively, from the year-earlier period. Against September, the volume of such more
Romanians' Card Spending Abroad Reaches Monthly All-Time High
26 nov 2014
Holders of cards issued by local banks made 5 billion lei (EUR1.1 billion) payments to retailers abroad in the first nine months, an increase of 21% on the year-earlier period, according to central more
Card Payments Climb To EUR5B In Romania In January-September
18 nov 2014
Owners of cards issued by local banks operated payments at local and foreign retailers worth 22 billion lei (EUR5 billion) in the first nine months of this year, 16% above the level of the more
Banks Have Cash To Step Up Lending, But No Trust
12 nov 2014
Banks have the cash to step up lending, but the money does not reach the economy due to the lack of trust between entrepreneurs and bankers, partly because of the hundreds of thousands of insolvencies more
ARB: Local Banking System Will Suffer Major Loss This Year In NPL Clean-up Process
31 oct 2014
Romania’s banking system will suffer a major loss this year on banks’ move to remove bad loans from their portfolios, a process that is far from having concluded as BNR wants a NPL ratio similar more