Articles 326 - 350 of 351 by " Tibi Oprea "
Tibi Oprea este redactor pe piaţa de capital la Ziarul Financiar din toamna anului 2018.
În 2019, Ziarul Financiar a câştigat votul publicului pentru cea mai bună acoperire media a pieţei de capital din România, în cadrul unui eveniment organizat de Bursa de Valori de la Bucureşti.
Pasionat de jurnalism şi încrezător în conceptul de „câine de pază al democraţiei”, Tibi studiază cursurile Facultăţii de Jurnalism şi Comunicare din cadrul Universităţii din Bucureşti.
Prima activitate în acest domeniu a avut-o la începutul anului 2013, când a ocupat un post de editor cultural în cadrul revistei online Hyperliteratura, pentru ca mai apoi să devină Assistant Manager.
Ulterior, a lucrat în social media şi în domeniul artei, a fost corector de carte şi de ziar şi a obţinut certificări de competenţe antreprenoriale şi competenţe gastronomice, aceste activităţi numărându-se printre pasiunile sale. Alte pasiuni sunt călatoriile, arta, literatura, muzica.
Packaging Maker Promateris Posts 211% Higher Consolidated Net Profit in H1
1 sep 2021
Romanian industrial group Promateris (PPL.RO) posted RON84.74 million consolidated revenue in the first half, an increase of 60% on the year-ago period. Consolidated net profit stood at RON9.4 more
Fondul Proprietatea Reports Net Assets of RON11.4B End-June 2021, Up 11.3% from Year-Start
31 aug 2021
Property restitution fund Fondul Proprietatea (FP.RO) on Tuesday reported it ended the first half of this year with net assets of RON11.4 billion, up 11.3% from the beginning of the year, in line with more
SIF Oltenia Buys 2.7% In Antibiotice Iasi for RON10.6M
27 aug 2021
Antibiotice Iasi (ATB.RO), the largest Romanian-held drug maker, on Friday reported on the Bucharest Stock Exchange that regional investment fund SIF Oltenia (SIF5) bought 18 million of its shares, more
SIF Muntenia Gets ASF Approval for RON26.8M Share Repurchase Program
25 aug 2021
Regional investment fund SIF Muntenia (SIF4.RO) on Wednesday announced on the Bucharest Stock Exchange that Romania’s Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) had approved its share repurchase program, more
Broadhurst-controlled Electroaparataj Went into the Red in 1H 2021
24 aug 2021
Electroaparataj Targoviste, a maker of electrical equipment and electrotechnical accessories, ended the first half of 2021 with net losses of RON415,425, compared with net profit worth RON711,115 in more
Freight Carrier Transport Trade Services Posts 45% Higher Profit in H1
23 aug 2021
Transport Trade Services (TTS.RO), the largest freight carrier on the Danube, on Monday announced it concluded the first half with RON27.3 net million profit, an increase of 44.4% on the year-ago more
BRK Financial Group Seeks to Raise RON25M Via Private Placement
26 iul 2021
BRK Financial Group (BRK.RO), the only broker listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB.RO) on Monday notified stock market investors of the decision its board of directors made on July 23 to have a more
Evergent Investments Sells 2.1% Stake in Poultry Producer Agricola International
23 iul 2021
Evergent Investments (EVER.RO), the largest of the five regional financial investment companies by capitalization (RON1.3 billion), on Friday notified the Bucharest Stock Exchange it had sold its more
Canned Food Producer Prefera Foods Raises EUR5M from Private Bond Placement
21 iul 2021
Prefera Foods, one of the largest canned food producers in Romania, has successfully completed a private placement of bonds ahead of schedule on July 20, raising EUR5 million. more
CFO Sells RON202,500 Worth of Banca Transilvania Shares
14 iul 2021
Banca Transilvania (TLV.RO), the largest lender in Romania, on Wednesday notified the Bucharest Stock Exchange that its chief financial officer George-Razvan Calinescu sold 75,000 shares at an average more
Private Pension Fund Managers Post RON15M Losses in 2020
14 iun 2021
Even though pension funds generated about RON4.4 billion (EUR900 million) net profit for the employees paying into them, 2020 was a bad year for pension fund managers due to the RON14.6 million losses more
Air Claim Raises RON2.48M in Private Stock Placement
1 iun 2021
Air passenger rights specialist Air Claim has completed a private stock placement early on Monday, raising RON2.48 million from investors. more
Vivre Deco to Sell Up to EUR7M of Bonds by Dutch Auction
2 apr 2021
Online furniture and home decor retailer Vivre Deco will be conducting a private placement of bonds early in April, and have the bonds listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange a few weeks from the end more
Video Games Developer Firebyte Games Starts Private Placement on Feb 15
12 feb 2021
Video games developer Firebyte Games held by Cluj-based brokerage firm BRK is starting its private placement on Monday, February 15, to raise funds for development from investors, after which it will more
Cell Phone Supplier and Manufacturer iHunt Steps into the Black in Jan-Sept
16 nov 2020
iHunt Ploiesti (HUNT.RO), a supplier and manufacturer of cell phones and gadgets posted 3.9 milion lei net profit in the first nine months of 2020, compared with a RON102,704 loss in the year-ago more
Comvex Inaugurates Largest Grain Terminal in Constanta Harbor
16 sep 2020
Bulk raw material handling company Comvex Constanta (CMVX.RO) is getting ready to inaugurate the largest grain export terminal in the Constanta Harbor, with a capacity of 200,000 tons and become a more
Govt Breaks Piggy Banks, Asks State-Run Companies For Additional Dividends
8 mai 2020
Romanian government is now reviewing the investment plans of state-run companies, including those listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, to decide where to request additional dividends from, more
Coronavirus Wipes Off RON7.8B Of Romanian Stock Market Capitalization In Three Days
27 feb 2020
Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB.RO), the operator of the local capital market, has lost 3.9% since the beginning of the week, as seen in the performance of the main index BET and of the dividend index more
MedLife At Three-Year High On Bucharest Stock Exchange
7 feb 2020
MedLife (M.RO), the largest private health care provider in Romania, has reached almost 860 million lei (EUR180 million) market value, after having gained 7.1% in the past two trading sessions, much more
Bucharest Stock Exchange, Second Top Performing Market in EU in Jan-Nov
10 dec 2019
The Bucharest Stock Exchange, rated as secondary emerging market by FTSE Russel, is the second top performing capital market in the European Union since the beginning of 2019, as the BET index rose more
Government Seeks RON1.5B in Additional Dividends from State-Run Companies
5 dec 2019
The Finance Ministry will request about 1.5 billion lei (EUR314 million) worth of dividends from the state-run companies but does not know whether they will make the payments this year or in 2020, more
Rent-A-Car Company Autonom Raises EUR20M at 4.45% per Annum from Investors
11 nov 2019
Rent-a-car company Autonom Services has completed its first bond issue in a EUR20 million private placement with a five-year maturity and 4.45% coupon payable annually, which is one of the best more
Romanian Stock Exchange Second Leading in Europe in 2019 Despite 40% Yield
6 nov 2019
The Bucharest Stock Exchange is the second top performing in the European Union, even with a yield of 40% in the first ten months of 2019, enough to stir envy among much more developed capital more
Romanians Took Money Out of Banks, Put It into Bond Funds in 2019
29 oct 2019
Romanians who invest o bond funds subscribed 1 billion lei (over EUR200 million) in the first nine months of 2019, compared with RON1.9 billion withdrawals in the same time in 2018, which shows a more
Top Asset Managers in Romania Made RON33M Profit in 2018
11 iun 2019
Erste, Raiffeisen, Banca Transilvania, BRD and NN Investment Partners, the largest investment managers in Romania, which account for 95.3% of the mutual funds market in Romania, ended 2018 with 33.4 more