Articles 126 - 150 of 351 by " Tibi Oprea "
Tibi Oprea este redactor pe piaţa de capital la Ziarul Financiar din toamna anului 2018.
În 2019, Ziarul Financiar a câştigat votul publicului pentru cea mai bună acoperire media a pieţei de capital din România, în cadrul unui eveniment organizat de Bursa de Valori de la Bucureşti.
Pasionat de jurnalism şi încrezător în conceptul de „câine de pază al democraţiei”, Tibi studiază cursurile Facultăţii de Jurnalism şi Comunicare din cadrul Universităţii din Bucureşti.
Prima activitate în acest domeniu a avut-o la începutul anului 2013, când a ocupat un post de editor cultural în cadrul revistei online Hyperliteratura, pentru ca mai apoi să devină Assistant Manager.
Ulterior, a lucrat în social media şi în domeniul artei, a fost corector de carte şi de ziar şi a obţinut certificări de competenţe antreprenoriale şi competenţe gastronomice, aceste activităţi numărându-se printre pasiunile sale. Alte pasiuni sunt călatoriile, arta, literatura, muzica.
GDF International Wants To Buy Fondul Proprietatea 12% Stake In Engie Romania For EUR87M
11 dec 2023
Fondul Proprietatea (FP.RO) on Monday evening notified the Bucharest Stock Exchange that Franklin Templeton International Services, in its capacity as sole director of the Fund, received a binding more
Holde Agri Investment Announces Conclusion Of RON50.7M Contracts
11 dec 2023
Farmland operator Holde Agri Invest (HAI.RO) on Monday notified the Bucharest Stock Exchange that its subsidiaries had signed several significant contracts with the same undisclosed customer. The more
Bucharest Stock Exchange’s Main Index BET Overshoots 15,000-Point Mark For First Time Ever
9 dec 2023
Bucharest Stock Exchange recorded a new all-time high for its main index, BET, which gained 1.36% and overshot the 15,000-point mark for the first time ever, as all its 20 shares ended the session more
ASF Approves Roca Industry Capital Increase
8 dec 2023
The Financial Supervisory Authority has approved the share capital increase prospectus of Roca Industry Holdingrock1 (ROC1.RO), a holding company which owns stake in several DIY and construction more
BCR Raises RON1B From Bucharest Stock Exchange Investors Via Bond Issue Due In 2029
7 dec 2023
Banca Comerciala Romana has raised RON1 billion from the investors on the Bucharest Stock Exchange via a bond issue due in 2029. more
1.26% In One United Properties Change Hands For RON43.2M
5 dec 2023
Bucharest Stock Exchange recorded three DEALS transactions with 47.85 million shares in real estate developer One United Properties (ONE.RO) worth RON43.3 million at 2:22 p.m. on Tuesday, December 5, more
Visual Fan Posts RON3.3M Net Profit, RON64M Revenue In Jan-Sep
29 nov 2023
Electronics manufacturer Visual Fan (ALW.RO), which owns the Allview brand, ended the first nine months of 2023 with RON64.3 million revenue for the entire group, down from RON78.5 million in the same more
Agroserv Mariuta Posts RON59.8M Sales, RON1.5M Loss In Jan-Sep
29 nov 2023
Agroserv Mariuta (MILK.RO), a Romanian agribusiness company and owner of the Laptaria cu Caimac brand, posted RON59.8 million sales in the first nine months of 2023, an increase of 9% on the year ago more
Simtel Team Revenue Triples To RON213M In Jan-Sep 2023
20 nov 2023
Simtel Team (SMTL.RO), a Romanian engineering and technology company listed on the AeRO market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange and a leading renewable energy business in the country, posted RON212.8 more
Resource International Buys 2% In Santierul Naval Constanta From Evergent Investments
20 nov 2023
Shipbuilder Santierul Naval Constanta (SNC.RO) notified the Bucharest Stock Exchange on Monday about a notification received from Resource International SA, which bought 1.3 million shares in it for more
Home Appliances Maker Electroarges Losses Flat At RON8M In Jan-Sep
16 nov 2023
Home appliances and components manufacturer Electroarges (ELGS.RO), the only large locally owned player in the market, posted RON8 million loss in the first nine months of 2023, compared with a loss more
Impact Posts RON64M Net Profit In Q1-Q3
16 nov 2023
Real estate developer IMPACT Developer & Contractor (IMP.RO) posted RON63.8 million net profit in the first nine months of 2023, more than four times higher than the net profit of RON15 million in the more
Electrica Makes RON418M Net Profit In Jan-Sep 2023
16 nov 2023
Electrica (EL.RO), a major player in the electricity distribution and supply market in Romania, made RON418.3 million net profit in the first nine months of 2023, 21.6% (or RON115.4 million) lower more
Packaging Maker Promateris Posts RON4.4M Net Loss In Q1-Q3, 2023
15 nov 2023
Biodegradable and compostable packaging manufacturer Promateris (PPL.RO) ended the first nine months of 2023 with a net loss of RON4.4 million, from a net profit of RON3.8 million in the same period more
Patria Bank Posts RON15M Net Profit And RON141M Net Banking Income In Jan-Sep 2023
15 nov 2023
Lender Patria Bank (PBK.RO), held by Emerging Europe Accession Fund (EEAF), ended the first nine months of 2023 with RON15 million net profit, the same as in the year-ago period (RON14.9), it said in more
78% In Santierul Naval Orsova Change Hands For RON45.5M
14 nov 2023
Two deals with 8.9 million shares of shipbuilder Santierul Naval Orsova (SNO.RO) were recorded on Tuesday, November 14, which amounted to RON45.5 million, Bucharest Stock Exchange data show. more
Vegetable Oil Producer Argus Constanta Sees Revenue Halve, Switches To Loss In Jan-Sep
13 nov 2023
Vegetable oil producer Argus Constanta (UARG.RO) ended the first nine months of 2023 with RON47.9 million loss from the RON36.2 million net profit in the same time in 2022, after operating revenue more
Farm Input Producer Norofert Sees Revenue Shrink 42% In Jan-Sep 2023
6 nov 2023
Organic farm input producer Norofert (NRF.RO) posted RON1.1 million consolidated net profit in the first nine months of 2023, down 85% on the same time in 2022, while revenue stood at RON30.9 million, more
Agroland Opens New Agroland MEGA Store
2 nov 2023
Agroland Business System (AG.RO), a Romanian retail, agriculture and food entrepreneurial group, which owns the largest network of farm supply stores in Romania, on Thursday notified the Bucharest more
SafeTech Innovations Signs RON4M Contract
1 nov 2023
Cybersecurity company SafeTech Innovations (SAFE.RO) has signed a significant contract that exceeds 10% of its total revenue in the last annual financial statements, it said in a report to the more
Stefan Vuza Steps Down As Chimcomplex CEO
31 oct 2023
Chimcomplex (CRC.RO), the largest chemical plant in Romania, informed investors in a report to the Bucharest Stock Exchange on Tuesday that its chief executive officer Stefan Vuza stepped down as of more
Furniture Maker Elvila Losses Widen To RON5.5M In H1
29 sep 2023
Elvila (ELV.RO), the furniture manufacturer controlled by businessman Viorel Catarama, posted RON5.5 million net loss in the first six months of 2023, compared with a loss of RON3.3 million in the more
Agroserv Mariuta Sales Up 23% To RON36.3M In H1
27 sep 2023
Agroserv Mariuta (MILK.RO), a Romanian agricultural company and owner of the Laptaria cu Caimac dairy brand, posted sales of RON36.3 million in the first half of 2023, an increase of 23% compared with more
Bento Posts 71% Growth In Operating Revenue, 132% Growth In Net Profit In H1
20 sep 2023
2B Intelligent Soft (BENTO.RO), a Romanian entrepreneurial company specializing in development and implementation of software solutions and the provision of IT and Cloud infrastructure services, more
One United Properties Set To Implement Share Buyback Program
14 sep 2023
The Board of Directors of real estate developer One United Properties (ONE.RO) has decided to implement the share buyback program shareholders approved in April. more