Articles 876 - 883 of 883 by " Mirabela Tiron"

Redactor Companii; Prezentatoare Minutul de Ştiri ZF
Lucreaza la Ziarul Financiar din iunie 2007;
-Master in Management si Marketing, Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti
-Facultatea de Marketing, Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti
-Facultatea de Jurnalism, Universitatea Bucureşti
- Cel mai bun jurnalist pe turism din România în 2012
Pilots Follow Physicians Out Of Romania
16 iun 2011
Low salaries and few employment opportunities are the main factors prompting Romanian pilots to seek work abroad, where an aircraft captain can earn as much as EUR10,000 per month and an entry-level more
Bucharest Bookstore Chain’s Sales Still Impacted By Economic Crisis
13 iun 2011
A book now spends nearly six months on a shelf in a bookstore before it finds a buyer, as more and more Romanians choose to buy books sold at a discount from newsstands, hypermarkets or online. more
Wave Of New Hotels To Be Opened This Year
13 iun 2011
Investors on the hotel market have seen the last two years as an opportunity to develop new hotels, despite the drop in demand. more
Posta Romana Acumulated EUR72M Losses With Political Management
8 iun 2011
State-held postal company Posta Romana ended last year with a loss of EUR29 million on a turnover of EUR327 million, after posting EUR43 million-loss in the preceding year, according to company more
Valer Blidar To Invest EUR8M In Streetcar Plant
8 iun 2011
Valer Blidar, founder of Banca Feroviara and owner of railway carriage maker Astra Vagoane Calatori, says he will invest EUR8 million to start streetcar production in Bucharest, having forged a more
Vreme Appoints Wife's Business Partner To Posta Romana Board
3 iun 2011
Communications Minister Valerian Vreme has appointed Ionut Gogu, 31, to the Board of Directors of the Romanian state-run postal company Posta Romana, according to a document published by the company more
Meva Could Learn From Flanco In Its Reorganization
3 iun 2011
The reorganization of rolling stock manufacturer Meva, controlled by Cristian Burci, could be done based on the model of home appliances retailer Flanco, whose assets were taken over by an investor more
Bucharest Does Not Exist As City-Break Destination
1 iun 2011
Although the trend of city breaks shaped up in the region several years ago, Bucharest is lagging way behind some capitals such as Budapest or Prague, which are attracting thousands of tourists every more