Romania Plans To Sell RON3B Treasuries In September

08.27.2014 By Bogdan Neagu

Romania’s Finance Ministry plans to sell state treasuries worth 3.07 billion lei (EUR697 million) in September, up from RON1.5 billion raised a month earlier, the ministry said Wednesday.

In August, the ministry also raised EUR250 million in a reopening of its January 2019-dated Eurobond.

So far in 2014, the country sold RON27.3 billion in leu-denominated notes and EUR928.7 million at four euro-denominated auctions on the local market.

The ministry also tapped international markets for $2 billion at a two-part U. S. dollar bond issue in January, and raised EUR1.25 billion in a ten-year Eurobond sale in April. (EUR1=RON4.3941)

finance ministry
, state paper