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Romanian Private Pension Fund Returns At RON756.8M Over Past 3 Years
The returns for the over five million contributors to Romania's mandatory private pension funds amount to 756.8 million lei (EUR183.4 million), according to pension fund association APAPR.
At the end of April, the nine funds on Pillar II had 5.29 million contributors, up from 5.27 million in March. The segment's net assets totaled RON5.06 billion, up 3.6% on the month, according to the data of private pension watchdog CSSPP.
In April, private pension participants contributed RON157.92 million, up 2.02% on the month and 17.57% on the year. Over the past 12 months, contributions totaled RON1,669.05 million, an average of RON139.09 million, says CSSPP's April report.
According to APAPR, gross contributions totaled RON4.3 billion between May 20, 2008 and April 20, 2011.
The highest returns were registered by the funds administered by ING Pensii (RON256 per participant), Generali Fond de Pensii (RON253) and BCR Pensii (RON252).
The mandatory private pension funds posted an average yield of 14.1% by May 17, while the average annual inflation was 6.3%. (EUR1=RON4.1263)