www.zfenglish.com - Last update 03:15
Bucharest Stocks Gain 0.3% In Calm Trade
The Bucharest stock market inched higher Tuesday morning, oin very low traded volumes, with few shares gaining attention.
At around 11:00 local time (GMT0800), the Bucharest bourse’s BET index was up 0.33% from Monday closing level, while composite index BET-C was gaining 0.36%.
BET-FI, which tracks Fondul Proprietatea (FP.RO) and the five regional investment funds (SIFs), was up 0.36%, while extended blue-chip index BET-XT was up 0.24%.
Bucharest benchmark index BET-BK inched 0.14% higher, while energy stocks tracker traded up 0.42%.
The bourse’s turnover was reduced, with share transfers barely reaching one million lei (EUR0.22 million) after the first hour of trading.
Few stocks were moving Tuesday morning, with Fondul Proprietatea and Banca Transilvania (TLV.RO) covering more than half of the traded value. (EUR1=RON4.4705)