www.zfenglish.com - Last update 05:08
End-Court Rejects PCC Challenge Against EUR100M Loan At Oltchim
A southern Romanian court of appeals irrevocably rejected on May 4 a lawsuit by German PCC SE fighting the decision of Romanian state-owned chemical company Oltchim (OLT.RO) to take out a EUR100 million loan, Oltchim said Thursday.
PCC SE went to court challenging a decision made by Oltchim shareholders on September 27, 2010, to take out a loan worth EUR100 million.
Oltchim's embattled shareholding structure includes the Economy Ministry with 54.79% and German group PCC SE with 12.15%. PCC and Oltchim's executive management have a long-running history of clashes in the media and in court on several topics.
Oltchim management believes PCC SE seeks to discredit the company's activity, in a bid for "easy and cheap" takeover.
The chemical plant will be put up for privatization in 2012, as the final chapter in a privatization scheme hatched by the Romanian government since 1997.At the end of 2010, Oltchim had debts worth 2.289 billion lei (some EUR545 million). Between 2007 and 2010, the company posted a cumulated loss of RON745 million. (EUR1=RON4.1065)