www.zfenglish.com - Last update 21:26
French Investors Suggest "Updated" Gas Price Would Improve Romanian Energy Sector
The French Embassy to Romania an the local French chamber of commerce CCIFER on Wednesday proposed a set of measures meant to render the local energy sector more efficient, which include the “update” of gas prices.
The French Embassy to Romania an the local French chamber of commerce CCIFER on Wednesday proposed a set of measures meant to render the local energy sector more efficient, which include the "update" of gas prices.
Among the proposed items are included the organization of local auctions for gas and electricity network administrators, the payment of debts and the development of an energy bourse in Bucharest.
Local gas distributors have often asked the government to increase gas prices in recent years, claiming financial loss caused by tariffs seen as too low.
Romania's main natural gas distributors are GDF Suez Energy Romania, a subsidiary of French-Belgian group GDF Suez, and E.ON Romania, owned by German utilities group E.ON.
The measures proposed were included in a project called the Energy White Paper, which was launched Wednesday in a news conference. The measures proposed take into consideration Romania's energy strategy and the measures enacted by the European Union.
The ten measures are grouped into three main strategic directions, namely the improvement of energy efficiency, the creation of a profitable energy market and the synchronization of this local market with the European one.
According to the CCIFER, Romania should boost the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce energy consumption. Cogeneration should be supported and authorities should develop a long-term and transparent
In addition, the document proposes the clustering of energy regulators into one entity.