www.zfenglish.com - Last update 11:04
Former Real Romania HR Manager Works At Metro’s HQ In Germany
Valentin Pauna, the HR manager of Real hypermarkets in Romania for 4 years, has worked at Metro’s headquarters in Germany since last summer.
Pauna, 45, is currently a HR manager for the nonfood items unit of Metro Cash & Carry and has an office at the central headquarters, of Dusseldorf.
In Romania, Pauna coordinated the HR policy for the over 3,500 employees of Real (the hypermarket unit of Germany’s Metro group) during the 2009-2013 period. But 20 of the 24 hypermarkets Real operated in Romania were taken over by Auchan as part of a larger deal that included real operations in Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Romania.
With an over 16-year managerial background, Pauna previously worked for two years as a HR manager for Bancpost, after a 10-year period at Unilever South Central Europe.
Pauna graduated the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer science of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (1993) and then Politics and Contemporary History Studies of London (1994).
Metro Cash & Carry operates in 29 countries, with 750 outlets and 120,000 employees. The German group generates revenue of over EUR31 billion.
(English version by Catalina Apostoiu)