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President Basescu Optimistic On Romania’s Schengen Entry This Year
Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday on national television TVR he is optimistic about the country’s Schengen entry in 2011, adding accession to the EU’s border-free area is not a failed objective for the country.
Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday on national television TVR he is optimistic about the country's Schengen entry in 2011, adding accession to the EU's border-free area is not a failed objective for the country.
"Romania's objective is to join the Schengen area in 2011. It's true we were aiming for spring, but the goal has not been missed. (…) I refuse to accept the idea of Romania not joining the Schengen area," said Basescu.
The head of state explained authorities have just finished evaluating Bulgaria's progress, adding the report on the neighboring country is positive.
The European Parliament is expected to approve the report around June 6," said Basescu.The president added he is confident Romania will join the Schengen area this year and the only reason it has not joined so far is that Bulgaria lagged behind.
Speaking about France and Italy's plans to have the Schengen Treaty revised, Basescu said he agrees Schengen entry rules could use improvement, but after Romania and Bulgaria join the area.
"Schengen rules need consolidation to fight not only drug trafficking but also to restrict illegal immigration. But our stance is: if Romania and Bulgaria are ready to join, we can change these rules afterwards," the president said.
The European Commission said Tuesday it is drawing up "precise conditions" under which states angry with the realities of borderless travel across Europe's passport-free Schengen area may temporarily police internal frontiers once more.
"It's already (theoretically) possible to re-establish temporary controls at national borders," said EC spokesman Olivier Bailly.
"What we're looking for is to spell out the precise conditions under which that can be done" in exceptional circumstances.
Proposals due to be made public by European Union home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem on May 4 will be studied by interior ministers on May 12, Bailly said.