Results 1 - 4 from 4 for "animal"
Romanian-Held Carmistin Buys Livestock Feed Producer Provimi From Cargill
US Cargill wants to sell Provimi in Romania, where it makes compound feed for livestock to Carmistin The Food Company, one of the major actors in the local food industry with more than RON1.5 billion more
Romania Allots Over EUR300M For Animal Husbandry Sector
The Romanian Government on Friday approved funds worth over EUR300 million for aid payments in the local animal husbandry sector. more
Romania Raises Subsidies For Poultry, Pig Welfare By Redistributing Funds
Romania's Government has increased the state aid for poultry and pig welfare to 253.6 million lei (EUR56.8 million) and RON204.9 million, respectively, to cover demand. more
EU Approves Nearly EUR6.4M For Animal Disease Eradication In Romania In 2012
The European Commission has approved a contribution of EUR6.38 million for Romania in 2012, meant to support animal disease eradication, control and monitoring programs of the Romanian Sanitary more