Results 1 - 25 from 216 for "bourse"
Association: 26 Companies Listed On Bucharest Bourse Get Maximum Scores In 2024 For Investor Communication vs 20 Firms In 2023
The number of companies listed on the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, which achieved maximum scores at the evaluation of investor communication, grew to 21 in 2024, compared with 16 more
IT Group Bittnet Wants to Grow on Swedish Bourse Via Reverse Listing of Dendrio with Hemply Balance
Dendrio Solutions, part of IT group Bittnet Systems, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Swedish company Hemply Balance to carry out a reverse listing process in the wake of which Dendrio more
Agista Targets Another 5-6 Deals in 2022, 10 Deals in 2023
Alternative investment fund Agista, helping local SMEs get listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, mulls clinching as many as six deals in 2022, says CEO Nicolae Kovacs. more
Cercel, BRD: Volumes Traded On Bucharest Stock Exchange Could Reach EUR20M/Day
The average volume of trades on Bucharest Stock Exchange is currently below EUR10 million (RON45 million) a day but the value could double in a few years if the Romanian capital market is upgraded to more
Nine Companies Listed On Bucharest Stock Exchange Suspended From Trading
The shares of nine companies of the 84 listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange are suspended from trading, mainly due to insolvency issues. more
15 Companies Listed On Bucharest Bourse In Talks With Fund Managers At Romania Investors Day
Bucharest Stock Exchange, jointly with brokerage firms, is promoting the Romanian capital market at “Romania Investors Day” conference in New York, the bourse said in a statement on Tuesday. more
Bucharest Stock Exchange Yield Fivefold Lower In 2015, At 3%
Bucharest Stock Exchange brought a 3.1% yield to investors last year, slightly higher than the banking interests, but nearly fivefold lower than in 2014, highly impacted by external factors, while the more
Oltchim Resumes Trading On Bucharest Stock Exchange After Two Years And Eight Months
Romanian state-run chemical plant Oltchim (OLT.RO) will resume trading on Bucharest Stock Exchange on Wednesday, after a suspension of two years and eight months, after the court has irrevocably more
Bucur Obor Shares Boost 23% On Bourse After RON63M Dividends Payment Notice
Stockholders of Bucur Obor (BUCU.RO), which owns Bucur Obor shopping center, a precursor of today’s malls which opened more than 40 years ago in Bucharest, approved in Tuesday session the payment of more
Some 5% Of InterContinental Hotel Shares Traded On Bucharest Bourse
A 5.4 % stake in Romanian hotel operator Compania Hoteliera Intercontinental (RCHI.RO) was traded Wednesday on the Bucharest Stock Exchange in a deal transaction worth 1,86 million lei. more
Innova Capital Resumes La Fantana Listing On Bucharest Bourse – Sources
Polish investment fund Innova Capital resumed the listing of bottled water wholesaler La Fantana, which it controls, on the Bucharest bourse, according to market sources. Early July, Innova had put on more
Zentiva’s Shares Down 3% After BET-XT Exit Announcement
The shares of Zentiva Bucharest (SCD.RO), a unit of France’s pharmaceutical group Sanofi, decreased 3% on the Bucharest Stock Exchange since September 1 announcement on the company’s shares being more
Carpatica Bank Shares Boost 10% On Bucharest Bourse, On Takeover Rumors
The shares of Banca Comerciala Carpatica (BCC.RO) increased by over 10% on the Bucharest Stock Exchange September 3, up to 0.0465 lei per unit, on takeover rumors by US’ fund J.C. Flowers. more
A 5% Stake In Electroarges Sold On Bucharest Deal Market For RON2.2M
A 5.2% stake in Romanian home appliance manufacturer Electroarges Curtea de Arges (ELGS.RO) was traded on the Bucharest Stock Exchange’s deal market Tuesday in one transaction worth a total 2.2 more
Market-Makers Traded RON73M Shares On Bourse In July
Brokers operating as market makers on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) traded 73 million lei shares in July, the highest value so far in 2015 and up 14% compared with a month before. more
Bucharest Bourse On Top Position By Highest Trading Fees In CEE In 1H
The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) has the highest trading fees among the bourses in Central and Eastern Europe CEE but ranks last in the region by the value of transactions with shares in the first more
Bucharest Bourse To Cash RON1.3M Dividends From Central Depository
The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) has to cash total gross dividends worth 1.3 million lei from the Central Securities Depository. more
Bucharest Bourse Opens Call-Center For Retail Investors
The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) opened Thursday a call-center for the retail investors who can inquire on the capital market, as part of the bourse’s measures to increase the number of the more
Bucharest Bourse VP Named Deputy GM Of Intercapital IM
Pompei Lupsan, vice-president of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), was named deputy general manager of investments management company Intercapital Investment Management. more
Bucharest Bourse Cuts Fees For Brokers To Boost Liquidity
The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) will allow brokers to get a higher profit from the “market making“ services and will decrease fees for such transactions in order to help them grow the daily more
Bucharest Bourse Launches Most Active Brokers Top
The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) Monday launched a new feature through which investors can see the most active brokers in the market by number of trades executed in a day with shares on the main more
Main Bucharest Listed Companies Have Over RON15B In Cash
The largest companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange amassed a combined cash and equivalents of over RON15 billion (nearly EUR3.4 billion) at the end of March, as they lack investment programs more
1Q In Review: Ten Most Important Events On Capital Market
The start of the year brought bad news for Electrica, Romania’s biggest energy distributor, which missed two acquisition opportunities that would have boosted its business and profit at one blow. more
Bucharest Bourse Profit Up 71% To RON9.3M In January-September
The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB.RO) Thursday said its net profit rose 71% in January-September, to RON9.33 million (EUR2.1 million), reaching 94% of the profit estimated for 2014. more
EBRD May Explore Opportunities To Support Banking Sector Consolidation In Romania
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the international financial institution with EUR6.8 billion worth of investments in Romania, is still interested in supporting the more