Results 1 - 5 from 5 for "coffee shop chain"
Bulgaria's Invenio Partners And Poland's ACP Buy 60% In Coffee Shop Chain 5 to go
Bulgaria's investment fund Invenio Partners and Poland's investment fund ACP have acquired 60% in coffee shop chain 5 to go in a transaction worth nearly EUR18 million, according to estimates by more
Tucano Coffee Shop Chain Plans To Open New Units In 2024, In Romanian Towns Of Bacau, Deva, Pitesti And Vaslui
Tucano, a coffee shop network whose story began in the Republic of Moldova 12 years ago, plans to double its coffee shop chain in Romania, which currently consists of more than 35 units. more
5 to go Coffee Shop Chain Reopens All 150 Units May 5, But Shifts To “to go” And “drive through” Services
Okfea Coffee Shop Chain Plans To Open Seven Franchised Units In 2019, Double Its Turnover To EUR500,000
Five International Big Names Looking At Romania’s Café Market
Two international coffee shop chains – Esquires Coffee and Costa Coffee, three coffee distributors – Moak, illy and stretto, as well as a number of private equity firms are looking at the more