Results 51 - 75 from 175 for "current account"
Romania Posts Current Account Gap of EUR7.737B in Jan-Sept
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR7.737 billion in January-September, compared with a deficit of EUR7.942 billion in the same period in 2019, central bank data showed Friday. more
Romania Posts Current Account Deficit of EUR5.789B in Jan-Aug
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR5.789 billion in January-August, compared with a deficit of EUR7.099 billion in the same period in 2019, central bank data showed Wednesday. more
Romania Posts Current Account Deficit Of EUR4.86B In January-July 2020
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR4.86 billion in January-July 2020, lower by 20% than a deficit of EUR6.03 billion in the same period in 2019, central bank data showed Monday. more
Romania Posts Current Account Deficit of EUR3.497B in 1H/2020
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit EUR3.497 billion in January-June, compared with a deficit of EUR4.373 billion in the same period in 2019, central bank data showed Thursday. more
Romania Posts Current Account Gap of EUR2.881B in Jan-May
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit EUR2.881 billion in January-May, compared with a deficit of EUR3.414 billion in the same period in 2019, central bank data showed Tuesday. more
Romania Posts Current Account Gap of EUR1.782B in Jan-Apr
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit EUR1.782 billion in January-April, compared with a deficit of EUR2.258 billion in the same period in 2019, central bank data showed Monday. more
Romania Posts Current Account Deficit Of EUR1.36B In January-March 2020
Romania Posts Current Account Deficit of EUR325M in Jan-Feb
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit EUR325 million in January-February, compared with a deficit of EUR176 million in the same period in 2019, central bank data showed Tuesday. more
Romania's Current Account Posts Surplus of EUR149M in January
Romania's current account balance posted a surplus of EUR149 million in January, compared with a surplus of EUR322 million in January 2019, central bank data showed Monday. more
Romania's Current Account Gap Widens to EUR10.47B in 2019
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR10.478 billion in 2019, compared with a deficit of EUR8.86 billion in 2018, central bank data showed Thursday. more
Romania's Current Account Gap Widens to EUR9.9B in Jan-Nov
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR9.924 billion in the first 11 months of 2019, compared with a deficit of EUR8.205 billion in the same period of 2018, central bank data showed more
Romania's Current Account Gap Widens to EUR9.2B in Jan-Oct
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR9.201 billion in the first ten months of 2019, compared with a deficit of EUR7.532 billion in the same period of 2018, central bank data showed more
Romania Current Account Gap Widens to EUR8.1B in Jan-Sept
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR8.1 billion in the first nine months of 2019, compared with a deficit of EUR6.79 billion in the same period of 2018, central bank data showed more
Romania Current Account Gap Widens to EUR6.025B in Jan-July
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR6.025 billion in the first seven months of 2019, compared with a deficit of EUR4.859 billion in the same period of 2018, central bank data more
Romania Current Account Deficit Widens to EUR5.135B in 1H/2019
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR5.135 billion in the first half of 2019, compared with a deficit of EUR3.717 billion in the same period of 2018, central bank data showed more
Romania Current Account Deficit Widens to EUR3.4B in Jan-May
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR3.4 billion in January-May, compared with a deficit of EUR2.564 billion in the same period of 2018, central bank data showed Monday. more
Isarescu Says Current Account Deficit Increase Can Cause Problems
The increase of the current account deficit, which nears 5%, can cause problems, and a correction cannot be made with the snap of one’s fingers, Romania's central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said more
Romania Current Account Deficit Widens to EUR2.3B in Jan-Apr
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR2.306 billion in January-April, compared with a deficit of EUR1.665 billion in the same period of 2018, central bank data showed Thursday. more
Romania Current Account Deficit Widens to EUR1.2B in 1Q/2019
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR1.212 billion in the first quarter, compared with a deficit of EUR1.027 billion in the first quarter of 2018, central bank data showed Tuesday. more
BT: Share Of Current Account Deficit In GDP May Decrease To 4.2% In 2019, From 4.5% In 2018
The share held by the current account deficit in the gross domestic product (GDP) may decrease to 4.2% in 2019 from 4.5% in 2018, against the backdrop of the economy performing below the potential more
Romania’s Current Account Deficit Grows 33% YoY In January-February 2019, To EUR568M
Central Bank Warns of Rising Inflationary Pressures, Widening Current Account Deficit
Annual CPI inflation rate rose from 3.27% in December 2018 to 3.32% in January and 3.83% in February 2019, standing above the upper bound of the variation band of the target and above the central more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Grows 16 Times in January, to EUR114M
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR114 million in January, 16 times higher than the EUR7 million deficit recorded in January 2018, central bank data showed Monday. more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Widens to EUR9.4B in 2018
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR9.416 billion in 2018, nearly 60% higher than the EUR5.97 billion deficit recorded in 2017, central bank data showed Wednesday. more
Romania Current Account Deficit Widens to EUR8.73B in Jan-Nov
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR8.73 billion in January-November 2018, 60% higher compared with a deficit of EUR5.468 billion in the same period the year before, central bank more