Results 1 - 4 from 4 for "golf"
Businessman Metin Doğan Develops EUR30M Golf And Residential Complex In Dambovita
yesterday, 19:35
DM Sport & Energy, a company owned by Turkish businessman Metin Doğan, has secured EUR10 million funding from Garanti BBVA for the development of the National Golf & Country Club in Dambovita County, more
Metin Doğan Invests EUR60M In Development Of National Golf & Country Club - Largest Golf Resort In Romania
The largest golf resort in Romania will be developed in the Niculesti commune (Dambovita County) following an investment of EUR60 million carried out by Turkish-Romanian businessman Metin Doğan. more
Transavia Owner, Ioan Popa, To Invest EUR15M In Golf Resort
Transavia Owner About To Complete EUR15M Investment In Resort And Golf Course
Ioan Popa, the owner of the largest poultry producer in Romania, Transavia, will complete an about EUR15 million investment in a luxury resort and golf course in a month. The investment is self-funded more