Results 1 - 3 from 3 for "heyblu"
Filip & Company Assisted eMAG and HeyBlu IFN in Orange Money Acquisition
Law firm Filip & Company has legally assisted Dante International (eMAG) and HeyBlu IFN, a financial services company owned by eMAG group, in the acquisition of 100% of Orange Money IFN shares. more
Update: Seller In eMAG/HeyBlu – Orange Money IFN SA Deal Is Orange Romania
eMAG and its financial services subsidiary HeyBlu have acquired Orange Money IFN SA from telecommunications group Orange Romania and the main assets they bought were the e-money and payment more
eMAG And HeyBlu Announce Acquisition Of Orange Money
Romanian online retail group eMAG together with its financial services subsidiary HeyBlu have acquired 100% of the shares of Orange Money, eMAG has announced on Friday (Jan. 31). more