Results 1 - 3 from 3 for "iasi hospital"
Constructii Erbasu and Conest Set to Build Iasi Respiratory Diseases Hospital for EUR84.6M
Constructii Erbasu, a company owned by Erbasu family, in association with Iasi-based Conest, controlled by Viorel Cozma, have won a contract of around RON421.1 million (EUR84.6 million), VAT not more
EIB Lends EUR250M to Romania for Iasi Regional Hospital
The European Investment Bank (EIB) will grant a EUR250 million 27-year financing to Romania for a regional 850-bed hospital in Iasi, northeastern Romania. more
Romania’s Biggest Private Hospitals Operate In Bucharest And Iasi
The top three private hospitals by number of beds in Romania have 883 beds together and Bucharest has six hospitals among the top 20, a Health Ministry ranking provided at the request of ZF shows. more