Results 176 - 179 from 179 for "ipo"
Romania Signs Brokerage Deal For Tarom IPO
The Romanian Transport Ministry has signed an agreement with brokerage houses Carpatica Invest and Swiss Capital for the sale of a 20% stake in state-run airline Tarom, the ministry said in a more
Romania To Sell 10% In Hidroelectrica By November 2012
Romania’s planned initial public offering of a 10% stake in state-run hydropower generator Hidroelectrica will be concluded by end-October 2012, according to the country’s latest letter of intent more
Proprietatea Fund Calls For Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica IPOs
Romanian investment fund Fondul Proprietatea (FP.RO), minority owner in energy companies Hidroelectrica and Nuclearelectrica, Thursday called for a shareholder meeting at the two companies in view of more
Romanian Investors Try To Buy Into Glencore IPO
Romanian investors are very interested in the public offering of the Swiss group Glencore, the world's largest commodities trader, in which they have already subscribed several million of euros, more