Results 1 - 6 from 6 for "job market"
Claudia Sofianu, EY Romania: Reinventing The Job Market: Five Best Measures To Attract And Retain Talent
Identifying how companies can turn their workforce into one of their strengths was the main area of analysis in the fifth edition of the global EYWork Reimagined study, which set out to uncover more
eJobs: Romanian Labor Market Sees 10 Million Job Applications So Far In 2023
Romania's labor market has seen 10 million job applications from January 2023 to date, a record number and almost 5% more than in 2022, according to online recruitment platform eJobs. more
eJobs: Job Applications Grow 70% in 1Q; Job Openings Stay Constant
The number of job seekers in Romania grew 70% in the first quarter of 2021, while the number of job openings remained stable at around 70,000, data from recruitment website eJobs showed Friday. more
BestJobs: Job Applications Up24% in 1Q/2021
Companies had 24% more job applications for open positions in the first quarter compared with the same period in 2020, or 1.9 million applications, of which 700,000 in March alone, data from online more
Survey: Two in Three Romanians Willing to Learn New Skills for Completely Different Jobs
Two our of three Romanians (66.8%) are willing to learn new skills for a completely different job and seven out of ten devote significant time to refining their skills, a survey showed Tuesday. more
Microsoft: Germans Come To Work In Romania In IT Because Life Is Cheaper Here
Some German employees give up jobs in their own country and come to work for companies in Romania because the cost of living is lower and the work environment friendlier. more