Results 1 - 3 from 3 for "leasing contracts"
Deloitte Romania and WPP Extend Leasing Contracts for Total Area of over 12,000 Sqms of Workspaces in The Mark
today, 11:34
CPI Romania, one of the largest players on Romania real estate market, has signed the extension of leasing contracts for a total area of over 12,000 square meters with Deloitte Romania and WPP, two of more
Corporate Division Within UniCredit Leasing Processed EUR1B Contracts In Last Five Years
Romanian Impuls Leasing Financed Contracts Worth EUR52M In 1H
Romanian leasing firm Impuls Leasing financed contracts worth over EUR52 million in the first six months of 2011 and expects to end the year among the top players on the local market. more