Results 1 - 5 from 5 for "medisprof"
Medisprof Group Secures Zoning Permit For Second Hospital In Cluj-Napoca
Medisprof, a Romanian-held significant actor in the oncology service business in Romania, has secured the zoning permit it needs in order to build a new hospital in Cluj-Napoca. more
Medisprof Opens Oncology Center In Piatra Neamt In Wake Of EUR3.5M Investment
Grupul Medisprof, which holds in Cluj Napoca the largest private oncology hospital in western Romania, has inaugurated a similar medical facility in Piatra Neamt (northeastern Romania), within a more
Medisprof Set to Start Building Second Oncologic Hospital in Cluj in 2024
Medisprof Cancer Center, a company founded by doctor Carolina Udrea, which owns a hospital in Cluj Napoca providing services to cancer patients, will start building its second oncologic hospital in more
Medisprof Set to Invest EUR2M in New Oncology Center in Piatra Neamt
Medisprof Cancer Center, a company founded by doctor Carolina Udrea, which owns a hospital in Cluj-Napoca, is set to invest EUR2 million in Piatra Neamt oncology center . more
Medisprof Cancer Center Set to Build Second Oncology Hospital in Cluj Napoca, Oncological Center in Piatra Neamt
Medisprof Cancer Center, a Romanian-held business, which operates a hospital in Cluj Napoca, providing chemotherapy services, is building a second hospital in Cluj-Napoca, a EUR12 million investment, more