Results 1 - 25 from 61 for "office market"
Colliers: Bucharest Office Deliveries at 20-Year Low in 2024
Bucharest office market in 2024 registered the lowest level of deliveries in the past two decades, with a single major project completed, AFI Loft, of around 16,000 square meters, reveals Colliers’ more
Colliers: Romania’s Economy Enters 2025 With Positive Long-Term Prospects, But With Significant Challenges Ahead
Romania’s economy enters 2025 with positive long-term prospects, but with significant challenges in the year ahead, Colliers consultants predict in the report ”Top 10 Forecasts for the Romanian more
Fortim Trusted Advisors: Bucharest Remains The Most Dynamic Office Lease Market In H1/2024
Capital city Bucharest remained the most dynamic office lease market in the first half of 2024 too, with local companies covering 84% of the total volume of office spaces transacted in Romania, as per more
C&W Echinox: Bucharest Office Market Expanded Further in Q1/2024
Bucharest office market continued to grow in the first quarter of this year in terms of demand both as regards traded volumes, as well as the average deal level, amid an extremely limited supply, in more
CBRE: Investment Volume in Romania Office Market Hit EUR15M in 3Q/2023, Nears EUR69M in 2023
The volume of investments on Romania office segment reached EUR15 million in the third quarter of 2023, with the overall volume expected to revolve around EUR69 million for 2023, in line with data more
C&W Echinox: Number Of Sold Properties Grew In H1/2023, But Average Price/Asset Fell Over 50%
The number of sold income - generating real estate properties (office, retail, industrial & logistics spaces and hotels) during the first half of 2023 increased by 30% when compared with the same more
ESOP Consulting: IT&C Tenants Dominate Bucharest Office Rental Market In Q1/2023
The Bucharest office space rental market was dominated by companies in the IT&C sector in the first quarter of 2023, accounting for 19% of the newly leased area, as per an analysis by real estate more
Colliers: Office Market Recovery Is Far From Over Even If Bucharest Rental Demand Is Similar To Some Pre-Pandemic Years
2022 was a pretty good year for the Bucharest office market in terms of demand, given the generally difficult economic climate, with demand being comparable to the good times before the pandemic, more
JLL: Bucharest Office Space Market Stagnated In 2022
The office space market in capital city Bucharest went through a period of stagnation in 2022 and the demand for space stayed at the same level as in 2021, while deliveries of new space halved more
JLL: Romania Office Market Faces Multiple Challenges, Reflecting Economic Uncertainty And Inflationary Pressures
Romania’s office market is going through a period of multiple challenges, reflecting economic uncertainty and inflationary pressures which discourage companies from expanding. Thus, the market’s more
Colliers: Bucharest Office Space Market Returns To Pre-Pandemic Levels
The Bucharest office space market returned to pre-pandemic levels, the industrial and logistics spaces reach new record highs and the investment market could reach its highest level in more than ten more
Colliers: Recovery Of Bucharest Office Market Continued In 1H/2022
The recovery of the Bucharest office space market continued in the first half of 2022 too, despite uncertainty and fears of an economic slowdown, according to real estate consulting firm Colliers. more
Crosspoint: Bucharest Office Market Lease Volume Higher By 10,000 Sqm YoY In 1Q/2022
The total lease volume on the Bucharest office market amounted to almost 65,000 square meters in the first quarter of 2022, similar to the level traded in the same period 2021, but higher by 10,000 more
C&W: Financial, Medical, IT&C, Retail Among Most Active Sectors On Bucharest Office Leasing Market
Companies operating in the financial, medical services, IT&C and retail sectors were the most active tenants on the office leasing market in capital Bucharest in 2021, in terms of the average more
Colliers: Office Leasing Market Picks Up, But Has Yet To Reach Pre-Pandemic Level
The total demand for modern office space increased by 23% in 2021 to 263,000 square meters, compared to the same period in 2020, Colliers data shows. more
C&W Echinox: Bucharest Office Market Showing Sings of Recovery
Leasing transactions on the Bucharest office market grew to 48,000 square meters in the first quarter, down 9% compared with the same period last year when the Covid-19 pandemic was in its early more
JLL: Pandemic Gives Rise to Sublet Trend on Office Market
The ongoing health crisis is reshaping companies' approach to streamlining costs giving rise to a subletting trend on the local office market, an analysis by real estate consultancy company JLL showed more
C&W Echinox: Bucharest Office Market Sees Steady Return in 4Q/2020
Office space transactions in Bucharest marked a recovery in the fourth quarter of 2020, reaching 77,000 square meters, data from real estate consulting company Cushman & Wakefield Echinox showed more
CBRE: 2020 Office Transactions in Bucharest Matched 2015 Level
Around 240,000 square meters of office spaces were transacted in Bucharest in 2020, a similar level to 2015, as most companies postponed decisions and 60% of the total were relocations, real estate more
JLL: Office Market in Romania Drops 36% in 2020
The office market in Romania contracted 36% in 2002 from a record level of 470,000 square meters registered in 2019, to just 300,000 sqm, real estate consultancy company JLL Romania said in a report more
ESOP: Office Space Market, Affected By COVID-19 Restrictions, Revived By Contract Renegotiations, Extensions In 3Q/2020
Romania’s office space market, affected by the COVID-19 restrictions, was revived in the third quarter of 2020 by contract renegotiations and extensions, with the total volume of transactions more
JLL: Office Space Demand Slows Down In 2Q/2020; IT&C, Financial-Banking Firms The Most Active On Office Space Rental Market
Companies in the IT&C sector were the active on the office space rental market in capital Bucharest, generating over 40% of demand in the first half of 2020, being followed by firms in the more
Colliers: Office Space Market Will Have To Redefine Itself In Coming Period
Following the recent transformations for companies’ safe return to the office, the office space market will have to continue to redefine itself in the coming period, to provide spaces that promote more
Colliers: 9 in 10 Office Building Tenants Expect to Return to Offices in Summer
Nearly 70% of office owners and tenants expect the Covid-19 pandemic will affect their activity all year and estimate the first signs of recovery no sooner than 2021, according to a poll by Colliers more
Colliers Expects 200,000 Sqm Office Deliveries in Bucharest in 2020
Office deliveries in Bucharest will amount to 200,000 square meters and will grow to an estimated 500,000 sqm in 2021, intensifying competition among developers and among developers and owners of more