Results 1 - 6 from 6 for "pet food"
Belgium’s United Petfood Invests EUR35M In Plant In Dambovita County
Belgium’s United Petfood giant, one of the world's largest pet food producers, with plants in many European countries and in the US, is investing EUR35 million in a Romanian production facility in more
Ferenc Korponay Buys Canning Factory In Alba County, Starts Making Pet Food
Romanian entrepreneur Ferenc Korponay, known for founding, developing and then selling the Maravet business, which operates in the animal products sector, has bought the canning factory in Oiejdea, more
Agroland Wants to Expand Strongly on Pet Food Market
Horia Cardos, CEO of Agroland, a Romanian retail, agriculture and food entrepreneurial group, says the next planned investments are in the construction of the liquid egg plant of Giurgiu county, in more
Pet Food Market Immune to Crisis in Romania
The pet food and accessories market in Romania appears to be immune to the looming economic crisis, as specialist retailers continue development, even doing it at a fast clip, and when it comes to more
Fressnapf Wants to Open 100 Units in Romania
Fressnapf, Europe’s leading company on the pet food and accessories market, has opened one of its first stores in Romania, in Bucharest in Drumul Taberelor shopping center. The company plans to more
Pet Food Market Grows 23% to Over RON3B in 2020
The pet food and related product market in Romania overshot the RON3 billion mark for the first time, gaining 23% in 2020, a year when people spent more time at home and many decided to get a pet. more