Results 1 - 25 from 71 for "rating"
Moody’s Lowers Romania’s Rating Outlook To Negative Amid Concerns About Country’s Fiscal Strength
International rating agency Moody’s has revised Romania’s credit outlook from stable to negative, citing concerns over the country’s fiscal strength and rising debt burden. more
Banca Transilvania’s Long-Term Deposit And Issuer Rating Outlook From Moody’s Changed From Stable To Positive
Moody's Ratings has today affirmed the Baa2 long- and short-term deposit ratings and the Baa3 long- and short-term issuer ratings of Banca Transilvania S.A. (TLV.RO). The outlook on the long-term more
Fitch Ratings Assigns Digi Communications IDR Rating Of ‘BB’, Stable Outlook
Telecommunications operator Digi Communications (DIGI.RO) on Thursday announced on the Bucharest Stock Exchange that Fitch Ratings had assigned it a Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of ‘BB’ more
Fitch Ratings Affirms Romanian Transgaz Rating at “BBB”; Outlook Stable
Romania’s natural gas transmission company Transgaz has announced at the Bucharest Stock Exchange that international rating agency Fitch has affirmed the rating of the company at 'BBB-' outlook more
Romgaz Gets “BBB-“ Rating with Stable Outlook from Fitch Ratings
Rating agency Fitch has assigned Romgaz, a natural gas producer and supplier controlled by the Romanian state, investment grade credit rating “BBB-“ with a stable outlook. more
S&P Reconfirms Romania’s Sovereign Rating And Stable Outlook
International rating agency Standard&Poor’s (S&P) has reconfirmed the rating related to Romania’s government debt at BBB-/A3 for long-term and short-term foreign currency debt, as well as the more
Banca Transilvania Gets Investment Grade Credit Rating From Moody’s
Banca Transilvania (TLV.RO), the largest lender in Romania, got the “investment grade” rating from Moody’s, the bank said in a press release. more
One United Properties Gets Low ESG Risk Rating from Morningstar Sustainalytics
Real estate developer One United Properties obtained an ESG risk rating of 18.4 from Morningstar Sustainalytics, a leading global provider of ESG data, research and ratings. more
Moody's Assigns Baa3 Counterparty Risk And Ba2 Deposit Rating To tbi bank
tbi bank, a Southeastern Europe leading challenger bank, operating in Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Germany, and Lithuania, was assigned an investment rating, reflecting Counterparty Risk – Baa3, and more
S&P Affirms Romania's Rating At BBB-/A-3 With Stable Outlook
International rating agency S&P maintained Romania's rating at BBB-/A-3, with a stable outlook, due to an expected improvement of the country's fiscal imbalances over the next years and to upcoming more
Banca Transilvania Gets Very Good ESG Rating From Sustainalytics
Romania's largest lender by assets, Banca Transilvania (BT.RO), has obtained a very good ESG Risk Rating (17) and is included in the Low Risk category following the Sustainalytics analysis in terms of more
S&P Affirms Romania's Sovereign Rating At BBB-; Outlook Stable
International rating agency Standard&Poor’s (S&P) has affirmed Romania's sovereign rating at BBB-, in line with the other two major rating agencies and just above the investment grade lower border. more
Moody’s Upgrades To A2 Alpha Bank Romania’s Mortgage Bond Rating
Rating agency Moody’s Investors Service upgraded by one notch, to A2 from A3, the rating assigned to the mortgage covered bonds issued by lender Alpha Bank Romania. more
Standard and Poor’s Upgrades BSTDB’s Credit Rating To “A/A-1”
The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) received an upgrade of its long- and short-term issuer credit ratings from the S&P Global Ratings to 'A/A-1' from 'A-/A-2', with Stable Outlook. more
Moody's Reconfirms Transelectrica's Ba1 Rating, With Positive Outlook
International rating agency Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) has reconfirmed the Ba1 rating, with a positive outlook, awarded to Romania's national power grid operator Transelectrica (TEL.RO). more
Romania Awarded “Exceptional” Rating For Its Record Wheat, Barley, Rapeseed Crops In 2021
Romania was awarded the “exceptional” rating for its crops in 2021. Agriculture ministry data show that Romanian farmers obtained record wheat, barley and rapeseed crops this year and very good more
Global City Office Project Achieves WELL Health-Safety Rating
The Global City office space complex, included in the portfolio of real estate investment company Arion Green, was awarded the WELL Health-Safety rating, which is the latest assessment standard of the more
Fitch: Romania’s Investment Grade Hinges on Fiscal Outlook, Policy Implementation
Romania’s retention of its investment-grade rating will depend on the fiscal outlook and policy implementation, Fitch Ratings said in a new report. more
Moody’s Sees Romania’s GDP Growing 4% On Medium Term; Keeps Country’s Rating At Baa3, With Negative Outlook
Romania's credit profile (Baa3 negative) balances a medium-term economic growth potential, moderate institutional and governance strength, and still relatively favorable debt metrics against widening more
Standard & Poor's Revises Romania's Outlook to Stable from Negative
Standard & Poor's Global Ratings has revised the outlook on Romania's sovereign rating to stable from negative due to decreasing fiscal risks, while maintaining the rating at BBB-/A-3. more
Moody's Upgrades Alpha Bank Romania’s EUR200M Mortgage Bond Issue To A3 From Baa2
Moody´s Investors Service ("Moody´s") on Friday upgraded to A3 from Baa2 the rating of the mortgage covered bonds issued by Alpha Bank Romania S.A., worth EUR200 million and launched by the lender more
S&P Affirms Its BBB-/A-3 Rating On Romania; Outlook Remains Negative
International rating agency Standard&Poor’s (S&P) affirmed the 'BBB-/A-3' long- and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on Romania Friday (Dec 4), but the outlook remains more
Fitch Affirms Romania at 'BBB-'; Outlook Negative
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Romania's Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'BBB-' with a Negative Outlook, which reflects weakening public finance metrics due to pro-cyclical more
Romanian Government Plans New Budget Revision by Year-End
Romania's liberal government is planning a new budget revision by the end of this year and the 2021 state budget will be approved by the future government, as the country holds parliamentary elections more
Fitch Affirms Romania’s Transgaz at 'BBB-'; Outlook Stable
Romania's natural gas transmission company Transgaz (TGN.RO) has informed its stakeholders that, on July 8, 2020, the international rating agency Fitch Ratings affirmed the company’s long-term more