Results 26 - 47 from 47 for "taxation"
Personal income taxation
Direct taxes
Fiscal procedures / administration
Romania To Apply Reserve Taxation On Power Deliveries, Green Certificate Transactions
Romania plans to apply reserve taxation on electricity deliveries to traders and on transactions involving green certificates in a move to fight tax evasion and eliminate cash-related problems more
Romania Extends Reverse Taxation System On Cereal, Despite EC’s Opposition
Romania’s Lower Chamber has recently approved an ordinance extending for another year the interval in which the country may apply reverse taxation on cereal, although the European Commission (EC) more
EU Denies Romania New Extension On Reverse Taxation System On Cereal
The European Commission has rejected Romania’s request to continue applying a reverse taxation system on cereal beyond June 1 this year, saying the procedure must not be used systematically to make more
Romania’s Applying Lower VAT On Bread Depends On Reverse Taxation For Cereal
Romania’s Government will decide whether to apply a lower sales tax, of just 9% instead of 24%, on bread alone or the entire wheat-bread chain depending on the European Commission’s plans more
GDF Suez: Romania’s Planned Tax On Natural Monopolies Should Be Passed To Consumers
Romania’s planned tax on natural monopolies will reduce the financing capacity of companies and hinder new investments, GDF Suez Energy Romania said Tuesday. more
Romania Seeks EC Approval To Extend Reverse Taxation On Cereal By Two Years
Romania’s Government will ask the European Commission to extend by two years the interval in which the country may apply reverse taxation on cereal. more
Voinea: Romania Considers Extra Tax For Electricity, Gas Producers
Romanian electricity and natural gas producers may have to pay an extraordinary tax on the supplementary revenues obtained following price deregulations on the local market, an official of the Finance more
Agriculture Minister Says Tax On Farming Machines Will Be Scrapped
Romanian Agriculture Minister Stelian Fuia on Monday said the tax on registered farming machines will be eliminated through the amendments that will be brought to the Tax Code. more
Boc Government Failed To Collect EUR2.3B In Budget Revenue
The National Statistics Institute announced a gross domestic product of 578 billion lei (EUR133 billion) in 2011, RON31 billion higher than the level used for building last year's budget. more
E&Y: Romania's New Clawback Mechanism Breaches Taxation Principles
The current clawback mechanism applied by Romania to pharmaceutical companies seems to apply inclusively for the value added tax collected on medicine sales, which breaches the taxation principles and more
Reverse Taxation Reduced Romanian Illegal Cereal Trade By Up To 80%, Producers Say
Illegal cereal trade in Romania has decreased by 70% or 80% after the country introduced reverse taxation, said Thursday Nicusor Serban, vice-president of agricultural producer association LAPAR. more
Romania Seeks EU Permission To Apply Reverse Taxation On Meat - Minister
Romania has asked the European Union for permission to apply reverse taxation on meat, besides fruit and vegetables, after the country has already been permitted to implement this measure for cereal, more
Agriculture Ministry Sends New Reverse Taxation Proposition To Finance Ministry
The Romanian Agriculture Ministry has sent a proposition to apply reverse taxation on fruit and vegetables to the Finance Ministry, after Romania has already been permitted to implement this measure more
Tabara: Romania Plans To Apply Reverse Taxation On Vegetables
Romania will ask the European Commission to allow applying reverse taxation on vegetables, having already been permitted to implement this measure for cereal, Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said more
Reverse Taxation Might Reduce Romanian Illegal Cereal Trade – Producers
Applying reverse taxation on cereal and plants with industrial use in Romania might halve the local cereal black market, estimated at EUR1.4 billion, if the move is followed by a set of other more
Government OKs Reverse Taxation On Cereal For Two-Year Period
The Romanian Government on Tuesday approved a draft emergency ordinance whereby the country will apply reverse taxation on cereal and plants with industrial use for about two years starting June 1, more
Social Democrats And Liberals Plan To Revert To Progressive Taxation
The Social-Liberal Union (USL, made up of PSD and PNL) plans to boost the budget revenues from 32% of the gross domestic product at present to 38% of GDP by widening the taxation base, likely to be more
Romania To Apply Reverse Taxation On Cereal Starting June 1
Romania will apply reverse taxation on cereal and plants with industrial use for about two years starting June 1, according to a draft emergency ordinance drawn up by the Finance Ministry. more