Results 1 - 5 from 5 for "vitamix"
Natural Product Retail Chain Vitamix Reaches 75-Unit Network
Local natural product chain Vitamix has built a 75-store network in a decade, covering the country’s main localities. more
Natural Product Retail Chain Vitamix Reaches 62 Units
Vitamix, a local retail of natural products and cosmetics, has added 13 units to its network this year, reaching a total of 62 own units. more
Natural Product Retail Chain Vitamix Reaches 59 Units Nationwide
Vitamix network, made up of natural supplements, healthy food and cosmetics stores, expanded in 2022 and now includes 59 stores. more
Natural Product Retail Chain Vitamix Reaches 40 Stores; Continues Development After 30% Turnover Growth In 2019
Natural Product Retail Chain Vitamix To Expand To 32 Stores
Vitamix, a 22 natural product store chain will expand in the Dobrogea region (SE Romania) after having acquired rival stores and grow to 32 locations in 2018, says Zsolt Benedek, shareholder of Adams more