Articles 151 - 175 of 2116 by " Cristina Roşca"

Sunt economist de formaţie, dar jurnalist de vocaţie. Sau cel puţin aşa îmi place mie să cred. Am ajuns la Ziarul Financiar acum mai bine de un deceniu, din întâmplare, şi nu am mai plecat.
Absolvisem Facultatea de Relaţii Internaţionale din cadrul ASE, mă înscrisesem la masterul de Geopolitică şi Diplomaţie. Visam să schimb lumea dintr-o poziţie de consul sau poate chiar ambasador. Aveam vise mari recunosc. Am ajuns între timp să cred că poţi schimba lumea şi din alte poziţii, cum e cea de jurnalist.
Interviurile pot mişca pieţe, rezultatele financiare pot trage după ele competiţia, iar reportajele - în special cele de călătorie, dar nu numai - îi pot face pe oameni să viseze. Sau cel puţin aşa îmi place mie să cred.
Îmi place să povestesc despre călătorii, gastronomie şi arta de a trăi frumos pentru suplimentul de lifestyle al Ziarului Financiar – După Afaceri Premium unde sunt editor-şef.
Dar scriu cu acelaşi spor (şi drag) despre retail – alimentar, de modă, de electroIT -, despre fuziuni şi achiziţii şi piaţa HoReCa la Ziarul Financiar.
Vorbesc cu antreprenori şi executivi de top despre planurile lor pentru România, despre perpectivele economiei şi ale consumului privat. Analizez cifre şi bugete pe care le pun apoi în cuvinte. „Investighez” despre ce tranzacţii se pun la cale în piaţa din România şi apoi încerc să aflu ce impact ar putea avea asupra pieţei locale.
Am venit la ZF (cum îl ştiu cunoscuţii şi prietenii) în august 2008, în ajun de criză financiară. Am trăit-o din plin, la fel cum m-am bucurat de anii de creştere care au urmat.
După zece ani la Ziarul Financiar îmi place să cred că am învăţat mai multă economie decât la facultate. Dar cum economia se schimbă în permanenţă, mai am ceva de învăţat.
Cosmetics Retailer Douglas Set to Expand Offline Network Further
22 sep 2023
Lavinia Ivas, CEO of perfumery and cosmetics retailer Douglas Romania, says the near future will be marked by fiscal and legislative unpredictability and the company she runs is already bracing for a more
Kuwait-based Alshaya Group Hits RON57M Sales in Romania in 2022, Up 56% YOY
15 sep 2023
Kuwait’s Alshaya group in 2022 generated turnover worth RON57 million in Romania from fashion and cosmetics, given that it operates Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works franchises locally. more
Penny Market Owner Rewe Aims For EUR2B Sales In Romania
14 sep 2023
Germany’s Rewe Group, one of the most powerful retailers in Europe, which owns discount store chain Penny Market in Romania, is aiming for EUR2 billion sales a year on this market soon, CEO Lionel more
Romanian M&A Market Down In Volume And Value In H1
13 sep 2023
The Romanian M&A market is starting to feel the impact of the global and regional economic context in 2023, after a good year for local deals last year, especially in the energy and IT sector, but not more
Romania Food Retail Undergoes New “Revolution”, with Discounters Toppling Everything
13 sep 2023
Romania’s food retail landscape is undergoing steady changes and in the past year this has again become visible as almost all formats are losing ground to discounters, which are increasingly favored more
Hard Rock Café Hits Record-High Turnover in 2022
11 sep 2023
Hard Rock Café of Bucharest’s Herastrau park ended 2022 with turnover worth almost RON27 million, a record high level for the restaurant-café opened around 15 years ago. more
George Adragai Becomes Sole Owner Of Luca Pretzel Shops
7 sep 2023
Entrepreneur George Adragai has become the sole shareholder of Luca's pretzel shop chain after Cosmin Postole retired from the business, official data shows. The two co-founded the business in 2010 more
O’Fresh Vending Solutions Wants to Make Local and Regional Acquisitions
6 sep 2023
Vending machine operator O’Fresh Vending Solutions, in which investment fund Integral Venture Partners has recently bought a majority stake, wants to double or even triple its business in five more
Inditex Confirms Arrival Of Lefties Brand In Romania
5 sep 2023
Spain’s Inditex Group, which owns some of the best-known fashion brands in the world, among which Zara, confirms the opening of the first Lefties store in Romania. ZF has recently reported that the more
Integral Venture Partners Buys Majority Stake in O’Fresh Vending Solutions
4 sep 2023
Private equity and growth fund Integral Venture Partners, which particularly bets on CEE, has clinched a second deal on the Romanian market, by taking over the majority stake in O’Fresh Vending more
SHC Group Eyes New Acquisitions, Openings
1 sep 2023
Radu Dumitrescu, CEO and founder of restaurant group SHC, a major player in the local hospitality industry, says he’s both eyeing new acquisitions and seeking available spaces for new unit openings. more
The Body Shop Returns To Romania With New Franchisee, Opens Store In AFI Cotroceni
31 aug 2023
The Body Shop cosmetics brand, one of the oldest in Romania, returns with a store in AFI Cotroceni mall after the entire existing network was closed this summer. more
Ukraine’s Sports Equipment Retailer Gorgany Enters Romania
31 aug 2023
Ukraine-held sports equipment retailer Gorgany has opened its first store in Romania, in Unirii Square, in the space vacated by its direct rival Intersport. more
SHC Restaurant Group Buys Vacamuu Steakhouse
30 aug 2023
The SHC restaurant group, one of the main actors in the local hospitality industry, controlled by entrepreneur Radu Dumitrescu, is taking over the Vacamuu steakhouse in Floreasca. The actor thus more
Profi Targets over 10% Turnover Growth in 2023
30 aug 2023
Retailer Profi has budgeted an over 10% turnover and EBITDA profit increase for this year. more
Former Maravet Owners Return To Forefront Of Business With Acquisition
28 aug 2023
The Korponay family known for having founded and sold pet product company Maravet returns to the forefront of this business with an acquisition. more
Fashion Retailer LPP Aims to Invest RON35-40M in Romania in 2023
25 aug 2023
Simona Filip, running LPP Romania operations from the position of country manager, says Polish fashion retailer LPP is expanding irrespective of the economic context. The company has a EUR35-40 more
Inditex Brings Lefties Brand on Romanian Market
23 aug 2023
Spain’s Inditex group, one of the world’s biggest fashion retailers, is set to bring to Romania the only brand that was not present here, namely Lefties. more
Carrefour Romania Sales Up 11.5% in 1H/2023
2 aug 2023
Carrefour Romania’s gross sales in the first half of this year topped RON1.3 billion, after an 11.5% increase from the year-earlier period. more
ACP Group Wants to Clinch 4-5 Deals in Romania in 2023
2 aug 2023
Investment fund ACP Group wants to seal four-five deals this year in Romania, being in advanced talks for agreements in fields such as healthcare, retail and agribusiness. more
Metro Romania Plans to Build Two New Warehouses from Scratch in Bucharest and Cluj
27 iul 2023
Metro Romania plans to build two new warehouses from scratch, in Bucharest and Cluj, with these set to be used for delivery operations. more
Poland’s CCC Brings HalfPrice Outlets to Romania
26 iul 2023
Polish group CCC, owning the footwear brand of the same name, the second largest such retailer in Romania, but also epantofi and Modivo stores, has brought a new brand on the local market, namely more
UAE’s Al Dahra Seeks New Acquisitions, Looks at Transavia
26 iul 2023
UAE’s Al Dahra is wooing businessman Ioan Popa for a potential acquisition of Transavia after China’s Smithfield withdrew from the process, according to several market sources. more
EMZ Hanauer Starts Production At Resita Plant
24 iul 2023
German-held manufacturer of household appliance components EMZ Hanauer, whose customer list includes Electrolux, Miele, Samsung and Haier, has completed work on its plant in Resita, Romania, thus more
City Grill Has Three Boutique Hotels Underway
21 iul 2023
City Grill group, particularly known for the restaurant network it operates, plans to invest EUR10 million this year, with the money mainly aimed at the development of three boutique hotels. more