Articles 951 - 975 of 999 by " Roxana Rosu"
Roxana Roşu a venit la Ziarul Financiar după o experienţă de mai bine de 7 ani la agenţia de presă Mediafax, unde a debutat ca reporter pe turism. Şi-a început cariera în jurnalism imediat după terminarea facultăţii.
După câţiva ani în care a scris despre succesul sau eşecul diverselor afaceri din industria locală şi a aşteptat cu nerăbdare realizarea marilor proiecte anunţate de diverşi miniştri, resemnându-se în final că nu va vedea niciun Dracula Park pe litoral, a început să scrie şi pe alte domenii. Astfel a urmat o perioadă de familiarizare cu industrii diverse, în special din perspectiva financiară.
Următorul pas a fost să devină editor în Departamentul Economic al agenţiei şi apoi al noii divizii ZF Corporate lansată de Ziarului Financiar.
Din poziţia de editor ZF Corporate, Roxana are grijă ca ştirile zilei să ajungă cât mai repede la cititori, dar şi ca abonaţii ZF Corporate să fie primii care primesc informaţiile de business de care au nevoie în fiecare zi.
Roxana a absolvit Facultatea de Jurnalism din cadrul Universităţii Bucureşti şi crede că, dacă ar putea alege din nou, ar urma acelaşi drum.
Employers: Government Requires Too Much Paperwork, We Can’t Find Employees
26 sep 2017
The employers attending KPMG’s human resources conference on Monday said that the new regulations of the Labor Code made it very complicated to keep a record of employment contracts and employee more
ZF Bankers’ 17: Bankers Move From NPL Cleanup Obsession To ‘Customer Obsession’
5 iul 2017
After cleaning up their balance sheets of the non-performing loans that piled up during the crisis and the return to profit, Romanian banking sectors is entering a new phase when the focus will be on more
How Romanian Entrepreneurs Can Take Their Businesses Abroad
27 apr 2017
Entering international markets takes courage, support from a funding provider, accurate market knowledge and networking, those who attended the `Cum pot antreprenorii romani sa iasa cu business-ul more
Local M&A Market Has Matured, It’s High Time Romanian Entrepreneurs Pursued Acquisitions
30 mar 2017
The local M&A market has matured in the last few years, after having overcome the 2008 crisis, so it is high time Romanian entrepreneurs, too, pursued acquisitions to develop and withstand more
Bogdan Putinica, Enea Software VP: Government Has Robin Hood-Type Policy
1 feb 2017
The IT sector is like a Formula 1 car for the local economy, as it has grown to account for 6.4% of GDP, but the government has a Robin Hood-type policy instead of helping the sector develop, Bogdan more
City Grill Expects More Than EUR30M Revenue In 2016
28 nov 2016
City Grill expects more than EUR30 million revenue in 2016, 20% of which generated by the City Grill network and the rest by the other locations the company manages. more
Blue Air Expects EUR300M Revenue In 2016
18 nov 2016
Romanian-held airline Blue Air expects EUR300 million revenue in 2016, following a more than 50% increase in passenger numbers and introduction of new domestic and international routes. more
Liviu Dragan, TotalSoft: I Offered Less To A Sales Person In Austria Than To A Romanian
3 nov 2016
TotalSoft, one of the largest software companies sin Romania, is now developing abroad in full gear and to be able to support its aggressive expansion it needs people specializing in IT sales. The more
Improving Productivity, Key Mission To Avoid Economic Imbalances
19 oct 2016
Romania is at its best in twenty-six years in terms of macroeconomics, but also faces unprecedented risk, Romania’s central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said at the Country Risk 2016 conference. more
ZF Bankers: Bankers Admit Need For Faster Bank Restructuring
30 iun 2016
Local banks need to speed up restructuring as the lack of efficiency is causing an unbelievably high waste of money, bankers and consultants attending ZF Bankers Summit’16 on Wednesday said. more
ZF Bankers: Banks Still Have Some NPL Left To Clean Up
29 iun 2016
ZF & Go4IT.Ro Conference: Drone Market In Its Early Stages In Romania, Legislation Hinders Development
15 iun 2016
The drone market is in its early stages in Romania and the extremely restrictive legislative framework greatly hinders the growth potential thereof, the speakers at the ‘Revolutia Dronelor. Inovatie more
Aurel Netin, Lenovo Romania: IT Should Be Romania’s Growth Driver
14 iun 2016
The IT sector must be one of Romania’s main growth drivers, a governmental policy, believes Aurel Netin, country general manager of Lenovo Romania, the Chinese-held company which is the local PC more
Romania’s Former EU Negotiator: We’ve Got No Industrial Policy, No Service Policy, No Agricultural Policy
10 mai 2016
Two million Romanians living abroad and having sent back home EUR60 billion. A Gross Domestic Product that went from EUR127 billion in 2007 to EUR160 billion in 2015. Exports up from EUR30 billion in more
Asus Romania: PC Market To Grow By 5% To 10% In 2016
21 mar 2016
The PC market will go up by 5% to 10% in 2016, a trend the beginning of the year confirmed, but sales are yet to match the 2008 level, Ciprian Donciu, Asus Romania country manager, said on ZF Live. more
Banca Transilvania Expands Into Investment Banking
15 mar 2016
Banca Transilvania, the third leading lender in Romania, took the market by surprise on Monday when it announced a new acquisition merely one year from the takeover of Volksbank Romania. more
ZF Power Summit 2016: Entrepreneurs Look At International Market, Are In No Rush To Go Public
24 feb 2016
ZF Power Summit 2016: Energy Sector Needs Investment And Predictability
23 feb 2016
Raiffeisen Bank: We Raised Required Down Payment Over New Mortgage Law
3 feb 2016
The decision to raise the required down payment for mortgage loans was because of the impact we estimate the enforcement of the new mortgage lending law will have on the risk taken by our bank and if more
Analyst: Romania Could See Economic Growth Of Over 5% This Year
28 ian 2016
Romania’s economy might grow by more than 5% this year, as a result of the latest economic developments and the continued rise in consumer spending, Andrei Radulescu, senior economist with Banca more
Romania’s Franchise Market Up To EUR1.9B In 2015
17 dec 2015
Most sought after sectors for franchises are food&beverage, coffee shops and services, especially fitness or those that promote a healthy lifestyle. more
Ostahie, Altex: We’re Looking For An Investor To Help Us Expand Abroad
15 oct 2015
Dan Ostahie, the owner of Altex, the largest computer and electronics retailer in Romania, says he is preparing for the time when expansion abroad in the region and to other countries in Europe more
Romanians Feed EUR1B A Year Into Slot Machines
14 oct 2015
The gambling market has constantly developed in Romania in the past few years, reaching about 12,000 slots parlors and 70,000 slots machines in operation at the end of 2014, where people spend about more
Alexandrion Grup Owner: Shortage Of Skills In Romania
13 oct 2015
Romania is experiencing a shortage of skilled employees, specialists, engineers and managers so companies are already looking abroad to be able to continue to develop. more
ZF Pharma Summit ’15: Various Healthcare System Actors Highlight Its Problems
24 sep 2015
While medical service operators are optimistic about the market and even considering expanding abroad, distributors and retail pharmacy chains are not. more