Articles 976 - 999 of 999 by " Roxana Rosu"
Roxana Roşu a venit la Ziarul Financiar după o experienţă de mai bine de 7 ani la agenţia de presă Mediafax, unde a debutat ca reporter pe turism. Şi-a început cariera în jurnalism imediat după terminarea facultăţii.
După câţiva ani în care a scris despre succesul sau eşecul diverselor afaceri din industria locală şi a aşteptat cu nerăbdare realizarea marilor proiecte anunţate de diverşi miniştri, resemnându-se în final că nu va vedea niciun Dracula Park pe litoral, a început să scrie şi pe alte domenii. Astfel a urmat o perioadă de familiarizare cu industrii diverse, în special din perspectiva financiară.
Următorul pas a fost să devină editor în Departamentul Economic al agenţiei şi apoi al noii divizii ZF Corporate lansată de Ziarului Financiar.
Din poziţia de editor ZF Corporate, Roxana are grijă ca ştirile zilei să ajungă cât mai repede la cititori, dar şi ca abonaţii ZF Corporate să fie primii care primesc informaţiile de business de care au nevoie în fiecare zi.
Roxana a absolvit Facultatea de Jurnalism din cadrul Universităţii Bucureşti şi crede că, dacă ar putea alege din nou, ar urma acelaşi drum.
Misu Negritoiu, ASF: A Number Of Companies Interested In Astra Portfolio
18 sep 2015
A number of local companies are interested in taking over parts of Astra Asigurari’s portfolio, following the recent decision of the Financial Supervisory authority (ASF) about Astra’s bankruptcy. more
Radulescu, Sony: Sales Of TV Sets Up 6% In H1
15 iul 2015
Sales of TV sets stood at 350,000 units in the first half, about 6% more than in the year-ago period, and were worth 500 million lei (EUR113 million). Smart TV market share went up to 40% from 35% more
Romania Stands Every Chance Of Seeing 5%-6% Economic Growth Over Next Decade
28 mai 2015
Romania is headed in the right direction and an economic growth of 5% to 6% is doable, said executives of some of the largest companies in the country, but also key representatives of government more
Samsung: We Sold Dozens Of EUR35,000 UHD TVs In Romania Last Year
27 apr 2015
Sales of TV sets rose by 35% in Romania in 2014, a trend that took all those in this business by surprise, as they were only expecting no more than 10% growth in volume. more
Entrepreneur: Small Companies Need Cheaper Loans
17 apr 2015
Banks need to be more flexible with the small entrepreneurs and make loans cheaper, because they are two or three times more expensive than in other European countries Romania is in direct competition more
Recruitment Website eJobs Hit EUR3M Revenue And EUR2M Profit In 2014
17 apr 2015
eJobs, Romania’s largest online recruitment platform, in 2014 generated sales of EUR3 million from recruitment ads posted by companies and from the databases employers seek candidates in, said more
Two Or Three Good Years To Come On Romania’s M&A Market
1 apr 2015
The mergers and acquisitions market estimated at about EUR4 billion last year is entering a busy period after a number of quiet years, driven by acquisitions or exits by private equity firms and by more
Romania Still Holds Oil Reserves Of Above $200B
28 mar 2015
Romania’s underground still conceals over $200 billion worth of oil, even after 150 years of production, but increased competition, through the emergence of several small players, is needed to take more
ZF HR Conference: Adjusting Reward System To Current Generations, A Challenge For HR Managers
25 mar 2015
Employers are moving a greater share of the salary fund towards a variable payment in an attempt to stimulate performance of their employees and cut costs, the HR managers attending the ZF HR more
Negritoiu: Romanian Insurance Market Needs Capital Inflows Of RON1B, After RON600M In 2014
11 mar 2015
The insurance market needs a capital inflow of one billion lei (EUR225 million) this year, inclusively for the capital increases at Astra and Carpatica Asig, after RON600 million were injected in more
Government Expects 15,000 New Cars To Be Sold In 2015 Through First Car Scheme
13 feb 2015
In 2015, sales of new cars to individuals will be supported both by the clunkers program (Rabla) and by the First Car scheme and people aged below 35 will be able to buy a new passenger car for around more
Lenovo: Romania PC Market Up 20% In 2014
10 feb 2015
The PC (desktop, laptop and server) market grew by almost 20% last year when sales reached 750,000 to 770,000 units. Growth should continue at a double-digit rate in 2015, Aurel Netin, country manager more
Vonino: Price Matters Most On Local Phone And Tablet Market
5 feb 2015
Price is the main factor people in Romania consider when looking to buy a phone or tablet, with brand and features coming second. more
AdePlast Still Wants To Go Public
30 ian 2015
After the failed initial public offering in the fall of 2013, construction materials manufacturer AdePlast intends to try going public again and use the alternative trading platform AeRO operated by more
Bpost Expected To Submit Binding Bid For Posta Romana In March Or April
28 ian 2015
Belgium’s Bpost, which made the only non-binding offer to buy 51% in state-owned postal operator Posta Romana, might submit a binding bid along with a contract sample and a set of conditions in more
Romania To See New Automotive And Energy Investments In Next 2 Or 3 Years
27 ian 2015
The automotive industry and energy sector will get new investments from foreign companies in the next two or three years, as the automotive component sector has already attracted major companies, more
Valvis: Aqua Carpatica, Domeniile Samburesti And Chateau Valvis Will Stay In The Family
22 ian 2015
Businessman Jean Valvis, the founder of brands Dorna and LaDorna, which he sold to Coca-Cola and Lactalis, says that his new bets in the industry of mineral water (Aqua Carpatica) and wine (Domeniile more
Engineers Back In Highest Demand On Labor Market
6 ian 2015
Romania had an abundant supply of engineers back in the nineties and few of them found work in their chosen specialty, so many chose to pursue a career in banking, sales or as creative people in more
Romania’s Franchise Market, A EUR1.6B Business
16 dec 2014
The Romanian market comprises around 330 franchise concepts with total revenue worth EUR1.6 billion last year, around 45% higher than in 2007, one of the last years of economic boom and the last one more
Visa Romania: Two Thirds Of Romanians’ Consumption Based On Cash
15 dec 2014
Card money accounts for just one third of Romanians’ overall consumption, while cash represents the rest of two thirds, a situation that is fuelling the underground economy, believes Catalin Cretu, more
Redeleanu, UPC Romania: Internet Service, Growth Driver Again In 2015
5 dec 2014
The Internet service market is seeing 7% to 8% annual growth on the consumer and corporate segments, since consumption habits have visibly changed lately, Robert Redeleanu, chief marketing officer of more
Bucharest Bourse Hopes To Have 15 Companies Listed On Aero By Mid-2015
3 dec 2014
The Bucharest Stock Exchange hopes to attract 15 companies on the AeRo alternative system dedicated to SMEs by the middle of next year, Bogdan Mugescu, development specialist at BVB, told ZF Live. more
Capital Partners: The 100 Most Valuable Companies In Romania Are Valued At EUR55B, 10% Above 2013 Level
26 nov 2014
Ziarul Financiar is launching on Thursday the ninth edition of the 100 Most Valuable Companies in Romania Yearbook, drawn up jointly with Capital Partners. more
Romanian Footwear Retailer Il Passo Mulls Local Production Unit, Stores Abroad
20 nov 2014
Local footwear store network Il Passo plans to expand abroad after having reached 15 units locally and also open a production unit, Petru Chiriac, the company’s owner told ZF Live. more