Results 51 - 75 from 117 for "payments"
Romanians’ Card Payments Abroad At RON5.3B In 2015
Romanians travelling abroad made card payments worth RON5.3 billion (EUR1.2 billion), while ATM cash withdrawals totaled RON3 billion (EUR674 million) in 2015, according to a Visa study. more
European Commission Unblocks Payments For SOP HRD 2007-2013 Program
The European Commission has unblocked the payments for Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD 2007-2013) in Romania, worth EUR167 million, which were cut off in February more
Omniasig’s Largest Damage Claim Payment In 2015 Reached RON2.67M
Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group paid total damage claims of RON539.11 million in 2015, with the biggest payment reaching RON2.6 million, and fires and natural calamities were the most common causes. more
Visa Europe: In Romania, One In Ten Card Payments Processed By Visa Is Contactless
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has seen significant growth of contactless payments over the last two years and currently, in Romania, one in ten card payments processed by Visa is contactless, said more
Netopia: Payments Via mobilPay Wallet Doubled In 1Q/2016
The value of payments via mobilPay Wallet, a digital wallet developed by Netopia mobilPay, doubled in the first quarter of 2016, and is expected to exceed EUR1 million by the end of 2016. more
BNR: Bank Payment Refusals Fell By One Third In March
Romanian lenders refused to pay promissory notes, checks and notes of exchange worth 218 million lei (EUR49 million) in March 2016, which is lower by more than 30% compared with February, according to more
MasterCard: Number Of Romanians Making Daily Card Payments Up 45% In March-Dec 2015
The number of Romanians making card payments on a daily basis rose 45% between March and December 2015. One in two Romanians use the card to pay for purchases priced below RON10 and the most common more
Netopia MobilPay Processed Over 2.6 Mln Payments In 2015
Netopia Mobilpay, one of the largest online card payments processors in Romania, processed over 2.6 million online and mobile card transactions in 2015, exceeding the value of EUR135 million. more
Romanian State Treasury Licensed As Acceptor Of ePayments With MasterCard And Maestro Cards
Romania’s Finance Ministry has signed an agreement licensing the State Treasury as acceptor of electronic payments with MasterCard and Maestro cards, which will enable taxpayers to pay taxes online more
Smartree: IT&C And Pharmaceutical Firms In Romania Grant Highest Bonus Payments
Companies operating in the IT&C sector and the pharmaceuticals industry granted the highest extra payments in addition to wages in 2015, which translates into a 19% increase against 2014, according to more
Card Payments For Local Taxes Rose Over 40% To RON250M In 2015
The value of local taxes paid by card rose 42% last year, to approximately RON250 million, due to the increase of online transactions by 74% and the expansion of the payment networks, according to the more
NETOPIA mobilPay: Nearly 30% Of Online Payments Made By Smartphone
Nearly 30% of online card payments in Romania are made by smartphone and tablets, compared with 20% in September 2014, according to mobile payment services provider NETOPIA mobilPay. more
Visa: Romanians Make More Card Payments In Trips Abroad, At Low Values
Romanians have increased the frequency of card payments when travelling abroad in the summer, especially for low-value shopping, while they spend more on accommodation and transport, according to Visa more
More Than Half Of Online Card Payments In 1H Made In Bucharest
More than half of online card transactions processed in the first half of 2015 were in Bucharest and 62% of online payments were made by men, according to mobile payment services provider NETOPIA more
Erste, Global Payments Seal Deal For Merchant Payments Services In Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Erste Group Bank, owner of lender BCR, entered into an agreement with Global Payments, provider of payment technology solutions, to establish a joint venture providing merchant acquiring and payment more
MasterCard: Nine In Ten Adults In Urban Areas Hold Cards And Make An Average 2 Payments/Week
Nine in ten adults living in urban areas in Romania hold bank cards and make an average two card payments per week, according to a MasterCard study regarding the characteristics of Romanians’ more
Agriculture Support Agency Paid RON181.2M To Dairy And Meat Producers
Romania’s agriculture support agency APIA paid a total RON181.2 million to dairy farmers and to beef and goat producers in disadvantaged areas, from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF). more
MasterCard: Card Payments Cheaper Than Currency Conversion When Traveling Abroad
Romanians traveling to Austria save 32% of costs if they make payments using debit cards than they would by converting currency at currency exchange houses at destination airports, according to a more
Netopia mobilPay: Online Card Payments Up 20% In 1Q
Netopia Mobilpay, one of the largest online card payments processors in Romania, processed nearly 850,000 online card payments in the first three months, 20% higher compared with January-March 2013. more
Economic Recovery Not Visible Yet: Bounced Payments Soar 40% In 1Q
Checks and promissory notes worth 2.3 billion lei (EUR520 million) bounced in the first three months of this year, 44% above the level of 1Q, 2014, as banks could not find enough cash in the accounts more
Romanians Spent RON560M Monthly Abroad By Card In 2014, An All-Time High
Owners of cards issued by local banks in 2014 operated payments at retailers abroad worth 6.7 billion lei (EUR1.5 billion), up one fifth against 2013, according with BNR data. more
Breath Of Fresh Air For Romanian Economy: Bounced Payments Fell By 20% In 2014
Checks and promissory notes worth almost 8 billion lei (EUR1.8 billion) bounced in 2014, down 20% from 2013, according with BNR data. more
Bounced Payments Hit Ron800M In November, Up 55% On The Year
Checks and promissory notes worth 807 million lei (EUR180 million) bounced last month, 55% above the level of the same period of last year, according to central bank data. The payments bounced as more
Card Payments Climb To EUR5B In Romania In January-September
Owners of cards issued by local banks operated payments at local and foreign retailers worth 22 billion lei (EUR5 billion) in the first nine months of this year, 16% above the level of the more
Survey: Capital Bucharest Accounts For Nearly 50% Of Online Card Payments In 2014
People living in capital city Bucharest made nearly 50% of total online payments by card in 2014 for products and services sold by online stores in Romania, according to Netopia Mobilpay, one of the more