Results 101 - 117 from 117 for "payments"
Romania To Allot RON8.1M For Payments In Projects Funded Via Regional Operational Program
Romania’s Finance Ministry will allocate 8.1 million lei (EUR1.76 million), from amounts obtained by the state from privatizations, to make payments for projects financed via the Regional more
Online Card Payments In Romania Seen Up 25% To EUR250M In 2012
Online card payments in Romania will exceed EUR250 million in 2012, from EUR200 million in 2011, and the number of transactions will reach five million, up 30% from 2011, according to Netopia more
Agriculture Support Agency To Pay Farmers EUR277M Next Week
Romania's agriculture support agency APIA will pay farmers EUR277 million next week and will run certain controls in the country. more
APIA Starts 2012 Campaign For Per-Hectare Payment Requests
Romania's agriculture payments agency (APIA) will launch Thursday the 2012 campaign to receive requests for payments per area. more
Herghelegiu, PayU: Online Card Payments To Increase Over 25% This Year
The overall volume of online payments in Romania, from card payments on the internet, to orders made online and paid cash on delivery, is worth over EUR1 billion per year, Cristian Herghelegiu, more
Agriculture Ministry Gets Loan From Treasury For Direct Area Payments
Romania's Agriculture Ministry has been authorized by the Government to borrow 3.75 billion lei (EUR860 million) from the Treasury and use it on direct area payments to farmers. more
Rural Development Payments Agency Disbursed EUR1.56B In 2011
Romania's Agency for Rural Development and Fishing Payments (APDRP) disbursed this year EUR1.56 billion of the funds allotted through the National Rural Development Program 2007-2013, APDRP said in a more
Romania Resumes EU-Fund Reimbursement Applications - EU Affairs Ministry
Romania’s European Affairs Ministry said Thursday the country has resumed sending the European Commission bills for reimbursement for all programs financed from EU structural funds. more
European Commission To Resume Payments To Romania Through Operational Program
The European Commission has decided to unfreeze EU funds going to Romania through the Regional Operational Program (POR), Regional Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Thursday. more
Romania To Draw At Least EUR500M Through POR By End 2012
A further EUR500 million will go into the economy by the end of next year from repayments from the European Commission for beneficiaries of programs financed through the Regional Operational Program more
Agriculture Payments Agency Paid EUR391M To Over 1M Farmers Through SAPS
Romania's agriculture payments agency (APIA) paid 1.7 billion lei (EUR391.4 million) to 1.061 million farmers between October 16 and November 30, accounting for an advance of EUR42 per hectare through more
APIA Completed 99.67% Of 2010 Payments To Farmers
Romania's agriculture support agency (APIA) paid farmers EUR723.5 million this year, accenting for 99.67% of the payments for 2010, APIA general manager Florin Marius Faur said Sunday. more
Romanian Development Ministry Paid EUR1B Of EUR4.3B EU Funds Contracted
Romania’s Regional Development and Tourism Ministry has paid EUR1 billion out of a total EUR4.3 billion contracted for various projects financed with European funds, minister Elena Udrea said more
Farming Subsidy Agency APIA Disbursed EUR700M In Aid Per Area
Romania's agriculture support agency (APIA) transferred EUR700.42 million in area aid by the end of June, making up 97.77% of the scheme's total allocation, as well as subsidies for milk producers in more
Payment Spike For Finance Ministry: Banks Are Due To Receive EUR2.6B
The Finance Ministry will face public debt payment spike of about EUR2.6 billion this month because a EUR1.2 billion club loan taken out from local banks in 2009 matures on July 23, and a more
Romania May Overdue Forex Loans Up 4.7% To RON10.1B
Overdue private loans in foreign currency increased by 4.7% in May, while overdue loans in local currency inched up 0.4%, according to data published by the central bank Wednesday. more
Lower Fees For Euro Payments As Romanian Central Bank Joins Target2
The Romanian central bank will join Europe’s Target2 real-time gross settlement system on July 4, a bank official said Wednesday, mentioning that 22 local lenders have already signed up to more