Results 101 - 125 from 226 for "salary"
Net Salaries In Seven Sectors Of Romania’s Economy Above EUR1,000 In July
Average salaries in IT services, coking and refining, air transport, extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, software publishing, insurance and banking sectors stood at more than EUR1,000 in more
Romania Average Net Salary Falls 0.5% on Month in July
The net average salary in Romania fell 0.5% in July compared with June, to 2,708 lei (around EUR584), data from the country's statistics board showed Friday. more
Top Five International Retail Chains Paid RON2,100 To RON3,100 Net Salaries On Average In 2017
The average net salaries the top five international retailers by revenue – Kaufland, Carrefour, Lidl, Auchan and Mega Image, pay vary from 2.100 lei (EUR452) to 3,100 lei (EUR668). more
Romania Net Average Salary Drops 0.3% On Month In May 2018
The net average salary in Romania fell 0.3% in May 2018 compared with April, to 2,704 lei (EUR580), data from the country's statistics board showed Monday. more
Romania Net Average Salary Grows 0.3% On Month In April 2018
More Than 200,000 Romanians Earn Over EUR1,000 In Net Amount Per Month
More than 113,000 employees earning over EUR1,000 in net amount per month work in Bucharest, accounting for almost half of the number of people who earn that amount per month, April 2018 Labor more
Romania Net Average Salary Grows 8.7% on Month in March
The net average salary in Romania grew 8.7% in March compared with February, to 2,704 lei (around EUR581), data from the country's statistics board showed Wednesday. more
Romania Net Average Salary Grows 11.2% On Year In February 2018
The net average salary in Romania inched up 0.1% in February 2018 compared with January, to 2,487 lei (EUR533), but rose 11.2% compared with February 2017, data from the country's statistics board more
Romania Net Average Salary Drops 5.5% on Month in January
The net average salary in Romania fell 5.5% in January compared with December, to 2,484 lei (EUR532), data from the country's statistics board showed Tuesday. more
Lidl Throws Down Salary Gauntlet
German-held discount store chain Lidl, which conquered local grocery retail in six years, will be raising the salaries of its more than 5,500 employees as of March 1. more
Romania Net Average Salary Grows 6.7% in December 2017
Romania Net Average Salary Grows 3% in November
The net average salary in Romania grew 3% in November compared with October, to 2,464 lei (around EUR531), data from the country's statistics board showed Friday. more
Romania Average Net Salary Grows 0.7% In October
The net average salary in Romania grew 0.7% in October compared with September, to 2,392 lei (around EUR516), data from the country's statistics board showed Monday. more
Public Sector Employees’ Salaries Revert To 9% Of GDP In 2018 As In 2008
The spending on public sector employees’ salaries will reach 8.9% of Romania’s GDP in 2018, up from the 8.3% of the GDP in 2017 and 7.5% in 2016, according to next year’s budget draft. Such more
What Will Courts Have To Say About Net Salary Cuts?
Employers who cut the net salaries of their employees as of 2018 because of the transfer of the social security tax from employers to employees might find themselves taken to court by disgruntled more
Romania Average Net Salary Grows 0.5% in September
The net average salary in Romania grew 0.5% in September compared with August, to 2,376 lei (around EUR517), data from the country's statistics board showed Tuesday. more
Smartree: Romania Private Sector Wages Rose 5%, Bonuses Grew 12% In January-September 2017
Romania Average Net Salary Declines 1.1% in August
The net average salary in Romania declined 1.1% in August compared July, to 2,364 lei (around $604 EUR516), data from the country's statistics board showed Monday. more
Average Net Salary in Romania Grew 10.1% in 2016
The net average salary in Romania stood at 2,046 lei (around $530 EUR445) in 2016, 10.1% higher than in 2015, data from the country's statistics board showed Tuesday. more
Romania Average Net Salary Grows 0.7% on Month in June
The net average salary in Romania grew 0.7% in June compared with May, to 2,380 lei (around EUR521), data from the country's statistics board showed Monday. more
Isarescu's Central Bank Salary Totaled RON1M in 2016
Central bank governor Mugur Isarescu had a net income of RON1 million in 2016, the equivalent of around RON84,385 a month (EUR18,700/month), 12% lower than the previous year, according to his wealth more
Romanian Average Net Salary Down 0.1% on Month in May
The net average salary in Romania decreased 0.1% in May compared with April, to 2,363 lei (around EUR516), data from the country's statistics board showed Friday. more
Romania Average Net Salary Grows 1% in April
The net average salary in Romania grew 1% in April compared with March, to 2,366 lei (around EUR518), data from the country's statistics board showed Tuesday. more
Romania Average Net Salary Grows 4.7% in March
The net average salary in Romania grew 4.7% in March compared with February, to 2,342 lei (around EUR515), data from the country's statistics board showed Tuesday. more
Romania Average Net Salary Drops 2.8% in February
The net average salary in Romania declined 2.8% in February compared with January, to 2,236 lei (around EUR495), data from the country's statistics board showed Friday. more