Results 151 - 175 from 226 for "salary"
Employees In Ten Industries Saw Over 50% Raise In Pay In 2008-2015
Employees in the oil and gas extraction, automotive component, support services and IT industries got the highest raises in the last eight years, following the increase in investments in their more
Ubisoft HR Manager: Rise In IT Salaries Artificial
The generous salary packages offered to candidates in the IT industry are artificial and fueled by the state aid that subsidizes most of the payroll costs company incur, says Grigoriada Stroe, human more
Romania Average Net Salary Up 1.7% on Month in July
The average salary in Romania rose 1.7% in nominal terms in July compared with June, to 1,849 lei (around EUR417), data from the statistics office INS showed Monday. more
Average Net Salary In Romania Inches Up In June
The average salary in Romania rose 0.7% in June to 1,818 lei (around 400 euros) from RON1,806 in the previous month, data from the statistics office showed Thursday. more
Major Banks Laid Off 8,000 People Since 2008, Salary Costs Still The Same
The ten largest banks in Romania laid off 8,000 people in the past six years, but their personnel spending remained unchanged at more than 3 billion lei. more
Average Net Salary In Romania Down 2.7% In May
The average salary in Romania fell 2.7% in May to 1,806 lei (around 400 euros) from RON1,857 in the previous month, data from the statistics office showed Tuesday. more
Romania To Raise Gross Minimum Wage In July To RON1,050 From RON975
Romania will raise the gross minimum wage from the current RON975 to RON1,050 (RON233) a month, or RON6.225 an hour, as of July 1. more
IT Sector Salaries Up 17-Fold Since 2000
The high demand for workforce in the IT sector has led to a fast-paced increase in salaries over the last few years, taking the average monthly net income to more than 4,500 lei (EUR1,000), 17 times more
Average Net Salary In Romania Up 1.5% In April
The average salary in Romania rose 1.5% in April to 1,857 lei (around 420 euros) from RON1,829 in the previous month, data from the statistics bureau showed Monday. more
State-Run Listed Energy Companies’ Bosses Earned RON4.4M Together In 2014
The private sector managers who became chief executive officers of the largest listed state-run energy companies collected 4.4 million lei (EUR1 million) in base salary plus bonuses in 2014, their more
Average Net Salary In Romania Up 5.7% In March
The average salary in Romania rose 5.7% in March to 1,829 lei (around 415 euros) from RON1,731 in the previous month, data from the statistics bureau showed Thursday. more
Average Net Salary In Romania Down 0.5% In February
The average salary in Romania fell 0.5% in February to 1,731 lei (EUR393) from RON1,740 in the previous month, data from the statistics bureau showed Monday. more
ZF HR Conference: Adjusting Reward System To Current Generations, A Challenge For HR Managers
Employers are moving a greater share of the salary fund towards a variable payment in an attempt to stimulate performance of their employees and cut costs, the HR managers attending the ZF HR more
Banks, IT And Oil&Gas Companies Benefited Most From Social Contributions Cut - Survey
Companies where salaries are high and very high (banking, IT, finance, oil & gas) reaped the benefits of a 5% cut in employer social security contributions, while for smaller companies, the effect more
Average Net Salary In Romania Down 6.8% In January
The average salary in Romania fell by 6.8% in January compared with the previous month, mainly due to bonuses granted in December 2014, data from the statistics bureau showed Tuesday. more
Top 20 Incomes As Revealed In Personal Financial Disclosure Statements
Lawyers, bankers and managers in the energy sector are the best-paid employees in Romania’s economy, according to the data centralized by ZF based on the personal financial disclosure statements of more
Fuel Gets 7% More Expensive In One Month In Romania
Romanians now pay more than Germans for a fill-up, but earn 5 times less more
Average Net Salary In Romania Rose 6% In 2014
The average salary in Romania rose by 6% over the course of 2014, a 5.1% growth in real terms, data from the statistics bureau showed Friday. more
INS: Romania Average Net Salary Up 2.2% In November
Romanian average net salary increased 2.2% to 1,743 lei (EUR390) in November, from RON1,705 a month earlier, the statistics institute INS said Monday. more
Average Salary Rises Slowly In Romania
Romanian average net salary increased 0.4% to 1,705 lei (EUR380) in October, from RON1,698 a month earlier, the statistics institute INS said Monday. more
Top Executives In Romania Make An Average EUR118,000 A Year
A top executive in Romania makes an average EUR117,900 a year, as the Romanian market saw an increase of 6-8% in top executive salary packages compared to a 3-4% growth worldwide compared to last more
KPMG: CEE Business Leaders See Salary Hikes To Keep Staff In 2015
Companies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) consider that hiring and keeping qualified staff is an increasing problem which is likely to lead to further salary hikes in 2015, according to the latest more
INS: Romania Average Net Salary Up 0.9% In September
Romanian average net salary increased 0.9% to 1,698 lei (EUR380) in September, from RON1,683 a month earlier, the statistics institute INS said Thursday. more
Average Salary In Private Sector Up 4.1% In 2014 - Study
The gross average salary in the private sector increased by 4.1% in Romania in 2014, while Timis county posted the highest growth, of 8%, according to PwC’s salary and benefits survey PayWell more
INS: Romania Average Net Salary Down 2.1% In August
Romanian average net salary fell 2.1% to 1,683 lei (EUR380) in August, from RON1,719 a month earlier, the statistics institute INS said Tuesday. more